So this is what it's like to live in america

so this is what it's like to live in america

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This is racism

land of the cucks

Legalize theft and that's what happens.

just segregate the stores

I live in the south where people still get arrested for stealing

Why would you destroy your inventory rather than just take it off the shelves?

This is funny because it implies niggers are still dumb enough to buy laundry baskets with hole in them

You cannot have civilization with niggers. You just cant.

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Just stop selling baskets wtf is wrong with them? lmao

I wonder if they keep them behind the counter

Because it's not real

this... that post is trolling

Just don’t sell laundry baskets?

Why wouldn't they just remove the laundry baskets? I don't even understand. Who would buy a laundry basket with the bottom cut out? I hate Reddit.

They put all of the spray paint in a lock cabinet at the Walmart near me. Also, they just moved all the cosmetics and bath supplies to a segregated area with its own register. Niggers, Mexicans, and white trash stealing everything and trashing shit.

I remember when I was in Seattle last winter watching people just walk into safeways at 10pm when it was down to a skeleton crew of 1 cashier and 1 manager and they'd just take a bunch of shit and walk out.

No real resistance.

I assume it's a single laundry basket on display and if you want to buy an unmolested one you ask the staff but I am just guessing about what it's like to live around niggers.

1. Have mask and gloves on because of “pandemic”
2. Have heavy duty trash bag in pocket (or open box of them from inside the store)
3. Fill it full of merchandise
4. walk out
5. ???
6. Profit

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someone commented that there is only one of each basket on display so you likely keep the inventory in the back
good idea if you live/shop in the ghetto

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