Shit. I think Sven might get fed vanned in the next 24hrs

Shit. I think Sven might get fed vanned in the next 24hrs.

Attached: svenpai.png (794x983, 1.46M)

Oh well. Time to find a new internet daddy.

Invite me out to your hike and give me a gun. I'll die backing you up.

He’s a faggot

(I'm serious about this. I sent emails to all the "paramilitary organizations" in my state that the media freaks out about and got zero responses.)

he is not the one

Sven did nothing wrong.

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We’d get more support if we were racially inclusive and solely focused on the Jew problem first.

Mike enoch is Jewish

Attached: confused.jpg (295x447, 29.8K)

what part of decentralized splinter cells fractured into shards of factions do you niggers not understand?

This faggot just wants to grift of paypiggies and buy guitars and amps.

TRS are unemployable grifters with the exception of Mike who is a jewish computer programmer.

nobody should have to back you up. where there is a will there is a way. you could be a uber driver and just strangle to death any whore who offers and gives poon for travel fee. tghat whore would have potentialy had kids. in some states without abortion may have had 5 kids who by the time they are 15 - 22 have had a kid. your lifetime score could be 300 whores killed and that would be 1500 people gen 1 departed killed in just a few decades. give that 10 decades and your like mao

swen could have saved america from monkey pox 4.0 in the future but didnt kill all those uber whores

Did he really say that?

he's not a programmer. Mike is a frontender, and a bad one at that- point in case the shitty NJP website

Yes, he said that and other fedposty things on today's TDS. I think he was just having fun. He took it pretty far and Mike was being like "Hol up, I dunno if you want to say all that."

the only thing that fat nerd will genocide is a tray of dunkin. Stupid ass fake nazi, people are so stupid.

I like Sven. I'm just worried this will be used against him maliciously by the feds somehow. Of course, niggers can rap about committing all sorts of violent crime and drug dealing.

Jew Mike is better than this emo art fag.

>We’d get more support if we were racially inclusive and solely focused on the Jew problem first.
This movement is full of non-Whites. Many of the men in this movement date non-Whites. Some of the men even have kids with their non-White spouses. For a White nationalist movement we're pretty racially inclusive.

You and everyone else on the far right has become so soft. Remember the shit people used to say in 2016-2017? Back when our ideas were going mainstream? People are so scared of feds lately. Feds can't do shit if you're just stating opinions. At worst they'll pose as some e-thot and try to get you to do some retarded mass shooting or something. Hopefully you're not stupid enough to fall for that. Fuck feds, put them all against the wall


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