Dont give me hope this shit is clearly a lie black rock never loses

dont give me hope this shit is clearly a lie black rock never loses

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Here's a crazy thought. Why don't you guys for a socialist to shut Blackrock down. And redistribute all of their assets to ordinary people. All of those homes they're hoarding. You could do that

>Here's a crazy thought. Why don't you guys for a socialist to shut Blackrock down. And redistribute all of their assets to ordinary people. All of those homes they're hoarding. You could do that
And INB4 the inevitable nazi Any Forumstard shows up unironically believing that "nazism was socialism" or something. And doesn't know they had the exact same economic policies as the GOP. Because none of you have an education passed the 4th grade

Why do you even try Moshe?

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Oy vey you are an anti semite of the highest order. Nazi!!

>just give up and let us break everything while blaming you for not giving up sooner
Fuck off, commie.

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Black rock is socialism.

No. Blackrock is capitalism

>No. Blackrock is capitalism
Seriously how could anyone, even idiot nazi MAGA hillbillies, be as uneducated to think "blackrock is socialism"

A capitalist system doesn't use government revenue to bail out failing businesses :^)

Yes it does. Capitalism means private ownership of the business. You uneducated fucking nazi

Just go back to your r*ddit and suck some cock.

Communists are so retarded, there are multiple examples to learn from throughout history that communism gets us to a few psychopath bastards running all our lives faster than any other system. Or maybe they know this but every one of them thinks they'll be clever enough to not get liquidated, or they're all driven by the same hardwired desire to domineer over other humans.
>inb4 typical teenager claptrap about "late stage capitalism"

Bot or teenager. Who cares, stop feeding attention.

why don't you shove your retarded "ideals" up your ass and fuck off back to where you came from. how about that?

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Probably retarded, can't even finish a thought before hitting "post" like some braindead zoomzoom.

Black Rock is part of the US government. The socialists would just take it over and use it to enrich themselves. Remember black lives matter? Those guys were "trained Marxists". What did they do with their donation money? Bought nice houses for themselves. Same deal here. Happens every time.

I unironically am a registered Democrat and voted for Bernie Sanders. Uhhh the DNC is fucking rigged and Hillary Clinton is the anti-Christ who fucks kids and modern neoliberalism is FAR FAR FAR FAR worse than neoconservativism for the working class.

The stock market went down and their clients lost money because of it. It's not like they pocketed all this lost money.

>vote for a national socialist to shut jews down.

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>And doesn't know they had the exact same economic policies as the GOP.
Did they allow Jews to take control of the economy?

It's Judaism.

>nazi MAGA hillbillies
you have to go back

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>black rock "value" goes "down"
>nigger brain normie retards all sell at a loss
>elites vacuum it up like an 80s cokehead, the cheapest real estate purchases possible
>"value" goes back "up"

This is just retarded, schizophrenic fiction. Blackrock isn't "part of the US government" seriously WTF you complete moron. Blackrock is a privately owned corporation. Like all of the business in the US. Because that's what capitalism is

well yeah if you're retarded enough to keep pumping money into the sp500 in this bobo market via Blackrock then they'll be more than happy to lose you the money