First God destroyed the guidestones. Now god is punishing the fags with a new fag disease. He is unfathomably based

First God destroyed the guidestones. Now god is punishing the fags with a new fag disease. He is unfathomably based.


Scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks of monkeypox in Africa say they are baffled by the disease’s recent spread in Europe and North America.

Cases of the smallpox-related disease have previously been seen only among people with links to central and West Africa. But in the past week, Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, U.S., Sweden and Canada all reported infections, mostly in young men who hadn’t previously traveled to Africa.

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Praise christ

Based GOD

> Beware of Anti-White PsyOp (psychological operations) agents/posters shilling a false narrative (usually posting something that denigrates or intends to cause harm to Whites).

> These people will post threads and may also pretend to interact within a thread, again in a manner to cause harm to Whites.

> Popular topics include: BBC, White Replacement, White Genocide, BNWO, Interbreeding, Insults, Demoralization, Trying to cause division among Whites, Trying to confuse Whites.

> Other topics include: Shilling for progressive/liberal agenda, Attempting to keep White men away from black women, Trying to make it seem normal for White women to date outside their race.

> They want White Men to remain passive or they want White Men to leave the country.

> “Racism” is a new concept, created in 1902, designed to weaken the Whites and empower blacks.

> Learn about what’s really going on.

Necessary nigger information [massive amount of useful info]
Niggers without camouflage [rare glimpse at reality]

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...and, based.

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>god did it
no. some organized group that knew chemistry blew up the guidestones.
and some organized scientists that knew biology made the fag spots.

stop pretending it's a magical force in control of everything, that's partly why we're in this mess because people got too passive and just became observers.

You’ve read revelation right? Turns out it’s all for the jews.

And at the same time, this faggot lets thousands of children a day get brutally raped and does nothing about it.

All glory to Christ Jesus and His second coming. My soul yearns for His majestic return

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Christ is King and all who oppose him will die in a river of their own blood. Remember when you cry out from the Lake of Fire....I tried to warn you.

Thousands of nigger children which is BASED


>God destroyed the guidestones
>god is punishing the fags with a new fag disease
no, they do it themselves
>He is unfathomably based
he isn't real

Kill kikestians subhuman en masse. Do not allow the vile poison of semitism to spread at all.

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And zero whites, huh. Fucking hypocrite.

Christkikes created globohomo and anglos love to be christkikes because they love globohomo and degeneracy.

You know when you think about it, sure, the eugenics aspect of the stones are bad but that's a modern day rosetta stone people smashed

Again. It’s the court of the gentiles that’s not to be measured. It’s the gentiles that will be trampled under foot. The word used would be the same as goyim if it was translated to hebrew.

>eugenics aspect of the stones are bad
no they aren't

actually the stones were erected by a based eugenicist

Based Christian God Holy Spirit.

fuck KIKE scum larping as beliebers.

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need I remind you how many times Catholics sacked Jerusalem and expelled kikes?

Only 25% of the human race posses an eternal soul. The rest are the same as the animals that inhabit the earth, nothing but biological robots living out their lives in endless cycles of life and death.


>christ bad christ christkike
Eat shit shlomo jew!

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Plenty, get learnt.

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>living out their lives in endless cycles of life and death.
says the retard that made this stupid thread where nothing of value will be brought up or discovered for the thousandth time.

>trust the science
>trust the desert adventures

average amerimutt education

Why post a faggot in a Christian thread?

No. Jerusalem was already Muslim at that point.

You are nothing.
You will not be saved.
You do not posses a divine eternal soul.
When you die you will receive only darkness.
You and your whole line are nothing but fertilizer.


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>24 jew worship shill threads on Any Forums right now
jannies are faggots

>believing in a djinn with schizophrenia so they think they're two people and a non-existent thing

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wow so empathetic...
you people are retarded hypocrites.
jewish golems.


Checked jannies are indeed faggots.
fuck kikes.

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Witnessed. May God bless all anonymous brothers in Christ ITT. Christ is King.

Jesus is King you fucking kikes, no subversion nor red harings will change my mind.

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If niggers had a shred of empathy, they would not inflict themselves on white people.

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they call everyone an anti semite buddy.
they claimed that the OK symbol was an anti semitic dog whistle, remember?

Christcucks are tragic, imagine worshipping a jewish rabbi and not knowing you’ve been scammed

So will you. That’s the joke of it all. You just can’t handle the reality of your meaningless existence.

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Need I remind you how many times jews were spared and allowed to thrive in kikestian lands?
Tranny janny janny tranny why is this off-topic garbage still up, but the anti-chriskike thread was taken down? Hmmmm?

>t.soulless bug creature