The government doesn't need to regulate agriculture starter pack

The government doesn't need to regulate agriculture starter pack.

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All of the US agriculture industry is heavily socialized. All of the low meat prices in the US that makes meat eating affordable and accessible on a daily basis to people (not necessarily the way it is all over the world) is due to socialism. That's the funniest part of all of these stupid rightwingers stuffing their face with cheeseburgers and crying about how great "the free market" is. It's like nah dude, you're eating because of socialism

And when you suggest de-socializing the meat industry due to climate change? And tell them to find alternative sources of protein like bugs? THEN they cry socialism

Rightwingers are just fucking stupid. Uneducated, stupid hillbillies

Not only that, how about shit like roundup. Imagine if the govt really had no regulations on agriculture holy fuck, you'd be eating pure poison. Life expectancy would be 0. Same with pretty much any industry in terms of pollution and toxics. If not for the USDA, FDA, EPA, people's life expectancy today would be efficiently 0

Rightwingers swore for years that Roundup was good for you. That Monsanto was not bad and private industry could do no wrong

>the US government is efficacious and efficient

If that happened today it would be blamed on cow farts and we'd be told to eat the bugs. Guess what retard natural disasters happen now put a gun to your head because you make the world a terrible place.

Looks like climate change to me.

>banks should maximize profits by lending money at interest to farmers thus incentivizing them to exclusively grow high yield crops (cotton, corn, tobacco, etc) instead of practicing
crop rotation starter pack.
ever wonder why usury had to be banned by religions?

I'm all for governmental control and regulations, but burgerbros have insane levels of corruption in the state. You're barely better off with the government fucking you than privately governed farms until your fix the corruption issue.

Although unchecked capitalism does result in shit like Victorian era food that was half sawdust or half chalk instead of oatmeal and flour. I dunno man, looks like you're kinda fucked in the US either way.

Man you guys really need to tear down the current governmental structures and break up the shitty two party system you've got going.

Leftists are niggers, incapable of maintaining the society they parasitize.

Make some protein with your iphone and your masters thesis on the resiliency of gay babies.

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The flyovers would be screaming about soil restoration and threatening civil war if it happened today.

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I'm right wing. And I want to help my people. Just not all those brown people sucking the tit dry, follow faggot?

I'm fine with socialism in doses, as long as it goes to the benefit of my people.

Round Up has been on the market for 40 years and glyphosate is still used, so I don't know what your point is

Yeah that doesn't make you any different from any other rightwinger, moron. Everyone knows rightwing policies fuck society over. But yet you stupid, hateful inbred fucks vote for them anyway out of bigotry and racism. That's literally where the leftwing cliche saying "why do rightwingers vote against their own economic interests for bigotry and racism" comes from, you subhuman fucking moron piece of shit

You are too jewish to explain the real context of gibs, big nosed mass producers of food and the consumer market.
Everything is done to artifically increase the costs of production (this is done for everything else too), then the Cosa Nostra invests printed money or previous gibs on it and asks for even more gibs (more printed money via debt), this obviously causes insane prices being artifically tweaked to look normal for everyone else, while it's a shower of gibs and control for the big nosed arab caliphate.

Hey you econically illiterate retards the collapse of farming in the depression was caused by the central bank pulling 1/3rd of liquidity out of the market during a bad crop year. This was caused BY he government you retarded turbokikes.
The massive government subsidies to red states is for corporate farms, energy and interstates without which major cities would starve (good ridance) or atleast their pet niggers wouldn't be able to afford food.

Now include the 70,000,000 80iq brown people imported in the last 40 years who shouldn't be here and couldn't survive without government gibs.
You're a lying kike.

And there is the constant speculation, artifical crises and many other typical tricks of african scum seeking gibs.

No. You're just a fucking retarded schizophrenic on the internet. There are many people like you. Nearly all of them are rightwingers

Nope. Just fiction. Just more retarded fictional schizo gibberish. Like 99% of the posts on this site

I'm not eating bugs while the aristocracy eats steak, you fucking bootlicker. We saw the exact same thing with COVID: workers forced to wear masks while celebrities get to party. You're a useful idiot lmao

Also subsidizing isn't socialism you dumbfuck. Nobody would ever claim it was unless they were deliberately arguing in bad faith

>ummm when the government spends money that's socialism

Then everything the government does is socialism. Bad argument, you're full of shit.