Is democracy a good political system?

Is democracy a good political system?

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No it's very vulnerable to exploitation by demagogues, case in point the election of blumpf, a literal t.v. clown who abused women.

Can't you see how good it works?

Democracy has its flaws, like most systems, but in the end I would say it is.

It does however require a robust education system, and a well built industrial base to work properly, such as in the west, else the people are easily influenced by crappy ideas and obvious lies.

However once you got that? Your good, because the people voting want the best for themselves, and to get on their side the gov needs to do things they like.

Building of infrastructure, schools, hospitals, better social care benefits, ect.

Its just effective to do those in a democracy, far moreso than in a dictatorship where that is entirely for the benefit of the system as a whole, instead of a benefit for the people.

The "Great American Experiment" proves one thing. Executive power always leads to tyranny.

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>No it's very vulnerable to exploitation by demagogues
As opposed to the person who just controls everything and is exploitation by default because you live in a dictatorship where 1 person controls everything and not a democracy

People love to talk shit about democracy, but can’t provide anything better.

Democracy is a moral, intelligent, and informed white man being screeched at by 29 drug addicts, niggers, single mothers, sex traffickers, and illiterates while a jew watches from the sidelines while rubbing his hands.

the ancients had their governments periodically purged by dictators
they knew that democratic systems are vulnerable to corruption

Western European countries, the United States, Australia and are not democracies. We elect representatives but they do not represent us.

Democracies existed in Ancient Athens, the early American settlers. It possibly exists in a very limited form in Kurdish Rojava and Switzerland. Note that these are direct democracies where citizens vote directly on policies instead of voting for shills every election cycle.

>Is democracy a good political system?
I think it's a good system but with limitations. It's good at solving immediate existential threats and allows a relatively small civilization to punch above its weight militarily, culturally, and in other ways. However it needs a relatively intelligent population that's capable of reasoning. This means you should restrict women from voting.

Athens for example managed to accomplish far more than modern meme fake-democratic nation states.


user when an untouchable private corporation aka the Federal Reserve is the maker of your laws you arent in a democracy anymore.

Democracy doesn't work without slavery.

No. It's a system that allows the jews to rule unopposed. It keeps the population meek by pretending that the people are voting a different alternative, but in the end all parties are arms of the same zionist leviathan. The only time democracy worked was to elect Hitler into power, and you know how mad (((they))) got.


Wouldn't know, noones tried one.

>It keeps the population meek by pretending that the people are voting a different alternative, but in the end all parties are arms of the same zionist leviathan.
In a democracy you don't vote for parties you vote on the policies like in Ancient Athens.

Voting for representatives has always been a scam
The fake and gay scam:

Why are you so retarded? What makes a man think that the masses can be as wise as their wisest leader? No amount of education can fix sheep. Democracy is always a fraud because corrupt politicians can hide behind laws and can be exchanged for other corrupt people if they fucked up etc. A King/Führer/Caesar/Princeps can never betray his own people, because he cannot hide behind laws or other people. If he messes up everyone will hate him and lynch his family/dynasty. Having a monarchy or dictatorship of a single family or individuum makes the state immune to corruption because he simply cannot afford it, assumed that he is form the same blood liniage like his people and he's redpilled on jews and their tricks

its single handedly the only thing keeping the US from being even better, this mega thread explains it well.

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" if you want to see the fate of democracies look out the window."

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If you don't account for corruption? yes.
if you account for corruption? no.
globohomo is destroying an entire generation worldwide

The greatest eras of European civilization tend to be populated be relatively more democratic governments. In many cases the decline of these nations is due to the less democratic elements of the nation (for example the Roman patricians using their unearned positions to screw over the public and lead to the rise of Ceaser). What’s important to remember is that democracy doesn’t necessarily mean a party system, nor does it exclude authoritarianism. Illiberal democracy was a common way of describing fascist systems.

Your issue is thinking that you're some ultra enlightened thinker and everyone around you is dumb. Also you're wrong, you can (and people WILL) tar-and-feather politicians that fuck them over. Every elected person wants power and to keep it, and you'd have to jump though serious hoops in order to get away with genuine stealing (see: Serbia, where we're getting assfucked because our autocrat dickhead and all of his old guard keep their lackeys in check by letting them do whatever the fuck in exchange for advertising his propaganda). Only leaders who don't want good for their people do that, and that doesn't happen in a democracy (or at least not nearly as much).

armed citizens and voting with your sheckles will always be infinitely more efficient than dEmOcRacY social bullshit bullshit fucking crap ass

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Read Germanic democracy from Hitler

>Your issue is thinking that you're some ultra enlightened thinker and everyone around you is dum
No. Also pic related

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