This whole fucking thing just glows man i have hard time believing this shit happens in tampa of all places

this whole fucking thing just glows man i have hard time believing this shit happens in tampa of all places

Attached: fed glows.png (1162x740, 881.05K)

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who gives a shit

Maybe not

Everything you don’t see or feel for yourself is fake

>Skull face masks

Of course it does. Where were these people when Obama was president? Bush? Clinton?

So what?

>if it didn't always exist it's the feds
This is a retarded line of reasoning

Turns out Tampa is full of nazis. whodathunk?

Bet they are Democrats just like that whole bus incident.

>ZOG feds trying to make desantis look bad
So tiresome

>oy vey, shut it down!

These swastika flag flying events didnt start until Trump ran for potus. Its about as organic as your neovagina.

Attached: d40.png (680x680, 42.58K)

>Dems plant costumed “white supremacists” in front of Youngkin bus in Virginia
>plant costumed “White supremacists” in front of TPUSA gathering
You have to be retarded to believe any of those morons are legit.

Trump proved to the country nobody in politics gives a fuck about white genocide. Thank god the feds have the COCK AND BALLS to wave swastika flags.
Migaturds eat shit.

>DeSantis keeps mum
And there it is

Lol you idiot they're doing it to make any right leaning dissenters look bad

As well as divide the peasants so that no one ever presents any hint of a true threat against the system

>Any Forums - Learned Helplessness

If jewish media didn't talk about them, then to Any Forums they don't exist. They're probably from, who have been active in Florida for years, but you're talking to newfags who came here in mid-2020 and are pitifully low-information

Not feds but DNC/Lincoln Project actors. Another lame political stunt.

Tfw the only ones causing ashkenazi jews stress are. Muh feds. And the feds are on our side the whooooole time.

In shape? Feds.
Weak? Feds.
Wear boots? Feds.
Wear same shades? Feds.
Oppose jews? Feds.
Oppose blm? Feds.


>wave nazi flag
>wave the communist flag
the fact the left successfully made it that only the white is seen as extremist, while their extremist go untouched, is mind boggling.

if you censor one side, while leaving the other political tribe able to run free as the buffalo, you cannot be shocked when the side that is allowed to freely spew their horse shit, takes over. and that said side keeps getting more extreme because it has no regulation on it. leftist don't regulate their extremist. leftist only regulate center and right into becoming extreme, far leftist.

the right needs to rise up and start curb stomping, in minecraft of course, these leftist. burn down their sphere of influence. go after academia, go after media, and force the left to label their own tribe members as hateful extremist. start by making the communist symbol, including the communist power fist, which is used by niggers, as a symbol of hate.

the fact the ADL came out saying the communist environmentalist that shot up buffalo was automatically right wing because he targeted a non white group should be a massive red flag and wake up call for the right.

Attached: culture-marxism.jpg (3840x2160, 1.88M)

Hold up. *zooms in on that Han Chinese forehead*

Why the fuck would anyone roll to this event with nazi flags besides liberals

yep. what exactly is the repercussion for that btw?

video related:

Racism, Nazism, etc. always existed, but it's also the feds. It's theater. You take an element of your enemy and "flanderise" it into a silly evil caricature to point a camera at it to make your opponent look silly. Look, I know Joe Biden is bad...but these people are literal NAZIS!!!! Sure in all these parades people are wearing sunglasses and dressed very similar, but they're NAZIS!!!!

You do realize Facebook, owned by Mark Zuckerberg, openly allowed people to support a Nazi group -- the Azov Battalion -- and acts of violence promoted by them. Yet leftists think these forms of psychological operations used to contain and control dissidents to the narrative don't exist. Of course, Russia does this. Of course Vladislav Surkov did this. Of course. America would never do this, though. America is a democracy and no one would pay large amounts of money for disingenuous purposes to control the politics of a nation containing a quarter of the world's wealth in their favor.

I always laugh at these onions "commies". They can only exist under the current gigaliberal system, both nazis and communists would have put them in a labor camp.

Aren't the feds funding Antifa too? Why would they play on both sides?

And the pirates, drink, watch, and bet.

Attached: pirates-of-the-caribbean-jack.gif (498x205, 800.5K)