>The activists had one hand pressed onto the painting when they were tackled by staff at the Uffizi Gallery in Italy.

>A protective layer of glass prevented any damage being done to the artwork.

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Start walking towards them with a machete and see how the react then.

what is even going on here

why are 400 year old painting bad for the environment, WHAT?

they used glue sticks didn't they.


Attached: 16C12033-2A55-4DF0-8505-7C96D823B8F3.png (187x148, 4.04K)

They’re oil paintings

chop their glued hands off

Could someone please tell me why pissing off the entire world is "activism"? I thought it was supposed to persuade people to be sympathetic to you or join your cause. All these people are doing is making the whole world think they're fucking disrespectful morons. Makes me want to go trash the planet just to piss them off right back. And I could be considered an environmentalist.

They just want attention, its not about the painting, these same people glued themselves to a road too

They're not protesting the painting they are just trying to get better news coverage.

The idea is to provoke people into a Hegelian dialectic where they end up entertaining the stupidity even after being initially provoked by it.

The glue wasn't even strong enough to keep their hands on the glass when they were tackled

Attached: 1564968269174.jpg (480x640, 12.42K)

They should have used söy-based paints.

>They’re oil paintings

Attached: 1600492020573.jpg (1024x758, 84.72K)


Elmers glue.

thank you. these kikes take the extreme side and trap goyim in a debate. when someone asks me my opinion on a particular current topic it always ends up with gas the kikes race war now because i don’t play their game of A vs B or problem reaction solution. gas em simple as

Intimidation. They want to prove they can hurt you more than what you can hurt them, therefore if you oppose them they will ruin your life. You know, exactly the same thing that government does to its citizens to control them.

>They’re oil paintings
kek, CARLOS!

>They just want attention,
>they are just trying to get better news coverage.
fair enough, but it just makes them look bad

fuck these guys but fuck cops too

Darn it, I was hoping it at least removed some skin. I want consequences.

the idea of these dirty hippies touching beautiful paintings is disgusting to me

It was a typo. Someone told them to "touch gRass"

It's what they understood that activism means from the media as they grew up. They never saw an actual cause being defended, they saw a bunch of dipshits making noise and pissing people off because , so that's what they do now.
Ever wonder why their activism looks so clumsy, dumb and acted? It's copied from movies, that's why.