What wunderweapons does the US posses?

What wunderweapons does the US posses?

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none, unless you count outdated planes made before computers in the 1980s

Stealth pronoun's

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They can make you believe anything, even that pic related is real.

hypersonic missiles launched from satellite (no, really)

They possess the ability to delay and do nothing while the chinks build up their military. Either you do something about it or you don't and they take over the world. Also hang Kissinger for being a traitor...another thing the U.S. won't do.

Have you heard of jews?
Most deatructive force known to man
Turns a functioning society into
Shit in just 3 generations

Hypersonic dialators

Rods from God, b

Aura: Melting Pot
Can hire units from the army list of dark races when a commander is in a dark province.

None everyone left america when Obama shut everything down and America was broke.
Get ready for more problems america
Drug babies
More drug babies
Lost of population
Lost of population
Drug babies
No skilled labor but a warlord society of America

interest rates

It waffles wunders

Truck stick
Girls' night
Lower receivers

US has no new boom booms. The only country with secret weapons is israel,all US tech get sent to israe where they further develop it in secrecy

The media. That's the only weapon that actually wins wars

We won't know until decades from now when they have even better secret tech. I have a feeling the US' electronic and cyber warfare capabilities in particular are far, far more capable than people realize.

Calling it now. The global cabal and Chinese which are trying to dominate the world will suffer at the hands of alien tech which is just secret US tech, and they will use this attack in order to unify rhe world under their rule.


That’s a TR3B Black Manta. Although it does utilize an emissions free form of propulsion, the craft is very much limited to atmospheric flight as it is basically a blimp. It hovers using lighter than air gas such as helium or hydrogen but is muuuuch faster than conventional LTA craft. It is virtually silent and also has stealth properties. The lights are by-products of near mass-free propulsion but we have no idea as of now how to defeat gravity using gravity wave generators. Scares the shit out of the Chinese.

>What wunderweapons does the US posses?
The jew.

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Bull shit, the great die off in America is now happening
Your government is killing you
Most people can't afford a home, and your saying advance
Government gives people opioids to kill the pain of the financial collapse that will kill off people
Now you have drug babies
The great die off of America

Obama's great die off,

I bet all our nukes have been decommissioned after Old Ronnie told Gorby to tear down the wall.
Theve been selling the old silos or letting them fill up with ground water for years.

Niggers. More lethal than an atomic bomb.

They would rather burn the whole world, rather than let that tech become known