I'm gonna go into a field

Tonight I'm gonna a go outside into a large field where there is no human life at all, I will have a BOB (Bug Out Bag) with me, inside of it will be one bandage roll, two first aid kits containing a whole ton of bandage rolls and bandaids as well as nitrile gloves and painkiller wipes, resuscitation masks, two Popeye's water shaker bottles, and a LedLenser P18R Signature 4500 Lumen torch, rechargeable batteries, and covered in a high carbon steel protective shell.

In my left pocket I will have my wallet and some 200MG caffeine pills so that I can have increased strength and focus as I traverse the wild fields of the Albertan outback, in my right pocket I will have my smartphone.

I am going into this field at night because I like the tranquility of the wild, in this field I'm gonna look for treasure or deer or something, I'm not sure, but what I will not be doing is anything illegal, that's right folks, I will NOT be doing anything illegal in this field tonight, I am only going to walk, and maybe jog, maybe also run and jump, and skip and hop and twirl and dance, maybe I'll dig, maybe I'll crawl and shimmy and drink water, but that's about it.

This post is political because I am temporarily leaving human society behind for a couple of hours to walk in a field with a bright torch and relax in the peace and quiet.

Pic related is where the field is, and as you can see, if you keep walking, you'll eventually find yourself in the United States Of America.

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nobody gives a shit

Are you expecting to get injured?

Sounds fun good luck OP


Don't forget the bug spray leaf!

Holy SHIT definitely don't accidentally shoot yourself in the head

fuck off we're full

dont foget your compasssss .getting lostbad.

Don't forget to bring a towel

Based OP. Bring some MREs for the full experience. Side note: do any of you Anons happen to know which MRE taste the best? I want to try some

Nobody is coming to “meet you” in the field user

If they do he will see their glowing. Smart to go at night, too bad he couldn't drive.

I thought you were contradicting yourself by saying "no human life at all", but you're right, leaf.

> if you keep walking, you'll eventually find yourself in the United States Of America.
Don't know why anybody would want to come here. Our political parties are just as bought and paid for as yours, and your wilderness is just as nice.

>smartphone in pocket

Personal preference, but I liked Chili Mac. I hear French MRE's are better though.

kek I just reported you to the rcmp, have fun lmao

idk about toothpaste land but in the states you can get some pretty good civilian MREs
meal kit supply is one
you can get military surplus ones online, which as long as you get multi course meals with drink powder, sides, etc they can be alright



Definitely the omelet.
Trust me.

>Trust me.

Good man.

This is what happens since Craigslist sex ads were ended.

don't forget your metal detector

I hope you die

I like to follow hunters here in Montana. I specifically set out to track them down and fuck with them (non violently). Last winter I tracked a father and son for almost 3 days while THEY were tracking white tail deer. I remember on one occasion I waited for them to set up camp and starter blasting wolves howling from my blue tooth speaker lol. I just enjoy fucking with hunters and I hope I get killed doing this one day.

Good luck

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look out for skinwalkers.

they stopped that? the ads were a total lolfest where I live

Tell me more about skinwalkers and why I shouldn't walk into the night alone?
