Name ONE presidential republic besides the US that isn't a shithole

Attached: 1657152012785.jpg (640x853, 104.87K)

is that an uncircumcised peepee

South Korea

Attached: 1651619918885.webm (720x1280, 2.88M)

>implying US isn't a shithole
Oh look comedy kevin has arrived

Wasn't their last president under the control of a wizard?

>implying the US isn't a shithole

>implying Worst Korea isn't a shithole
Moonniggers get the rope.

Attached: south korea happening.jpg (1400x6420, 2.78M)

Attached: south korea happening 1.png (1775x6949, 3.29M)

Liberia, americas black son.


Attached: south korea happening 2.png (1033x1850, 652.31K)

>besides the US
Removing 1 shithole from the list won't change anything

wtf did you do to your garloid????

Well we are presidential republic, but the same rot is in here as well already - just not so prevalent, yet. Enemy inside the gates and all that.

I do not like that picture

OP said besides the US user.

Attached: south korea happening 3.jpg (1185x2691, 975.79K)

Attached: south korea happening 4.jpg (1832x6088, 3.4M)

Redpill me on South Korea. Is that really a matriarch feminist country?

Attached: south korea happening 2019.jpg (3266x2398, 2.25M)

Attached: all signs point to yes.jpg (640x480, 11.83K)

This raises a good point.
Where did all the gook posters go?
They were absolutely insufferable.

That's creepy and someone decided to make that damn...