You suddenly have to get rid of dead body, could you do it? How do you avoid detection

No one wakes up thinking they need to dispose of a body after an unfortunate incident, but if you had a plan ahead of time - an easy to follow guide, then you would be many steps ahead of the other newbie killers. People make many mistakes, how do we avoid them?

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boof it

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Take it to the MLK Blvd part of town and throw it right out on the street.

fuck it until it dissolves

Insert Terry Davis quote.

Burn it

>No one wakes up thinking they need to dispose of a body after an unfortunate incident
waiting till you wake up? ngmi

Call the FBI

That can work - but the goal here is that the body isn't found. It's very difficult to get a murder conviction without a body. Look at the guy who runs Scientology - wife missing for years, no charges.

This is the honest truth.
dump it near a black neighborhood.
Gayborhood with satanic scrawling's if feelin cute.

This is why I am a hog farmer.

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I've heard they will eat a whole person - even the bones. Is it true?

Freeze it for a sex toy later. Only goes to waste otherwise.

go camping on crown land

Pig farm

Can't you just hack it into pieces and blend it?

Frame a nigger

Sort of but its better if you turn it into small pieces and get rid of the teeth first

That's way harder than it sounds. I think you have to burry it deep in the woods on public land. One problem is that most people do a half ass job - the grave has to be deep. You also can't have a cell phone on you. The other issue is a lot of new cars have Internet and location services to the cloud. This could work against you. Maybe pulling a fuse would work.

Drop it out at the pig farm. Farmer is so old I'm not sure he sees well anymore. It wouldn't even be suspicious because I stop there a lot to do bird surveys.

leave your phone at home and take a very long drive to bury it a dozen miles from a town.

john wayne gacy was putting bodies beneath his home for years so it doesn't appear to be that hard, why overthink it

Put it in a freezer and then open the door and let it fall out.

Once a long time ago an user posted i think on 99chan and claimed to be a disposer of bodies for a criminal organization in Eastern Europe, man posted a step by step guide on how to dismember and dispose of a body while removing identifying factors and evidence.
Doubtful anyone still has a screencap of it but it used to float around

Just keep them in a bin that says "halloween decorations" with a bunch of air fresheners.


This ain't the holocaust fren.

Chop it in small sizes. dispose of the internal organs in buckets of acid, and keep dissolving the remaining flesh in large plastic buckets fill with acid. later dry the bones in the sun, so it can be made into powder and dissolve that calcium in the soil to make it richer.

Life has many doors, fed boi.

If you were in my bedroom I wouldn't need a nite lite.

Eat it

if its a jew just burn him down
they reportedly burn very quickly

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