Is Hebrew a legit ancient language, or is it bastardised bullshit like Jews themselves?

Is Hebrew a legit ancient language, or is it bastardised bullshit like Jews themselves?

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what kind of Hebrew is that? it doesn't look like Hebrew to me

The latter.

They stole it from the Irish.

It's unironically the key to reality we live in.



Digits approved.
What is the Heeb version of a Weeb?

explain please

A Jew

may be bastardized but you gotta admire the relentless and uncompromising will to BE that jews have to exist at all costs, compared to goyim and how easily they fall prey to dissolution, language and religion change, etc....
they have a WILL TO RACE that we can only be envious of and it's why they dominate
can you even imagine a group of white people e.g willing to go through the process of making themselves as much Norse as they can, reverting back to a precisely reconstructed Norse language, etc....
Nietzsche was onto something when he affirmed that the jews were the purest race in Europe at the time, and this has a precise meaning mind you

>this shit again

Attached: 2880px-Hiragana_origin.svg.png (2880x2812, 623.42K)

Modern Hebrew is very much invented/new

Attached: 2880px-Katakana_origine.svg.png (2880x3167, 516.85K)

What about paleo Hebrew and it’s similarities to Germanic runes

Its legit except for the nikudot and the gay ass accent israelites have.
Check the mount Ebal curse tablets, its the oldest written alphabetic language inscription which puts them roughly 400 years after the sumerian tablets which makes sense since those were probably written by Nimrod at around the time Abraham went into egypt.

Attached: 1658696485730830.webm (358x634, 2.98M)

Except you should check your chinese history since the oldest covidrunes depict the story of the genesis flood plus the entire Shang Di border sacrifice being identical to the one practiced in the exodus.
And then there's this inscription in the Yata no Kagami which clearly has some middle period hebrew and brahmi

Attached: a14809-2.jpg (275x284, 31.89K)

>and this has a precise meaning mind you
What meaning?

This is the etruscan alphabet used by pre-romans which is literally paleo hebrew with extra letters

Attached: etruscan1.gif (554x314, 8.84K)

>which is literally paleo hebrew
insert facepalm

This is the los lunas decalogue found in the US before people found what the paleo hebrew looked like.

Attached: Los-Lunas-Decalogue.gif (582x520, 14.17K)

Is ancient Hebrew entirely lost? Like does anyone actually know what is sounded like when verbalised? Because the modern Hebrew seems like a bullshit language.

Pretty odd how most letters we use in English are mirrored.. It's almost as if someone, or a group of someones, wanted to deliberately turn everyone we know upside down.. But that's crazy talk. Right guys?

And finally this is the menorah inscription found on the IRL mount sinai, written like the ox goes IE left to right then right to left or up and down then down and up.
It basically seems to say that someone is wandering the desert like a maiden no longer able to see baal tsephon(the crossing point of the red sea)

Nah its literally the same language with different fonts and without vowel pointers, the guys who discovered the mt ebal curse tablet could read it in a few days.

Attached: media_menorah_lg.jpg (1197x550, 287.21K)

>aleph bet
>alpha bet

in a sense, they have a strong sense of gravity that in the gentiles became extremely weakened, they "naturally" gravitate towards each other, in this sense they have "race" in the qualitative sense, they are differentiated and they are aware of it and they proudly defend this differentiation, together with an elite in line with such sentiment that drives them forward like a magnet with all elements aligned; ironically, when Napoleon emancipated them, some jews were quite concerned that this may have led them to dissolution since gentiles could now mix with them more freely and being a huge minority this could be dangerous
given the challenging conditions they were put into by Europeans, such an outcome is even understandable almost as a sort of selective breeding
of course, this may be somewhat anachronistic in 2022 and they too have relaxed, but back then it was felt more heavily

maybe, as things are going, Europeans, with the challenges they'll have to go through if they become a persecuted minority in their own homelands, will have to undergo a similar process

every letter in the Torah is a carbon atom viewed from a different angle.
how could have Bronze Age People known this?
according to jewish lore the Torah wasnt written by Jews and was written on unknown material.
they saw that this thing must be important so from the letters in the Torah the Hebrew language was formed, they added some stuff to it tho so the language works.

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samritans still speak it

Jews consist of what "goyim" genes they could acquire. They have no genetic continuity like Europeans.