Why can't lefties debunk this?

Why can't lefties debunk this?

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Ok, it's true. No, I'm not going to call all black people criminals. Go outside.

>whites 6% of rape
kek fucking pedos, white pedos.

>blacks are disproportionally committing crimes at an insane rate
>this proves nothing somehow
Average lefty logic

>Go outside.
the more you find out they are criminals.

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I consider myself a “redpilled liberal” or a classical liberal. I like the term 2001-2008 liberal. Anyways there is nothing to “debunk”. It’s true. We just disagree on the reasons. I personally believe this is because of the CIA/DEA/ATF/FBI. You think it’s because they are black. Tomato tomato.

>go outside
So he can get shot?

Honestly, have you spoken to a black person face to face? I just cannot seriously call every single black person a criminal when I've connected with them on a human level.

It’s within the interest of the “deep state” to keep black men violent in order to perpetuate the “white vs. black” culture warfare. White men will vote away their own rights to take them away from “niggers”. It’s hilarious good strategy.

But but economic factors, systematic racism! How dare you hold blacks accountable for their own actions, that’s racist!

Now go out and get 10 black friends then report back

Wow, spics rape a lot of people? Or are Mexican women just drama queens?

I'd give away a small bit of freedom for the massive amounts of freedom I would get back to have them all gone.

Just think. Walkable cities again. Public spaces where you won't get shot.

I met a few in an engineering school. Even the couple that managed to end up in there were retarded and constantly broke stuff and stole.

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self- improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would most undoubtedly be poorer as a nation.

You fell for it oh no no no no

I wish we could just redefine "people" to not include non-Whites (or maybe non-Whites and non-Asains, I'd be ok with that too.)

Without blacks cops would be jobless, blacks support law enforcement.

>fag bag, fag jacket, jeans and loafers
Honestly this guy deserved it ngl

How does that explain blacks in the rest of the world. I mean look at the state of Africa past and present.

Are you stupidly admitting that you have some freedom left to the people that have been taking your freedoms away ? Really ? You're trying to bargain with them just to get along ? How has that been working out for you ?

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You don't need to. All you have to do is recognize they committ the vast majority of violent crime in the US and cities would be better without them in it commiting the crime in larger numbers than other races. Deep down inside you know it's true, you'd rather sit here and post as a memeflaggot trying to bait newfags.

Everything must be blamed on rich white capitalist, goyim. Expect Jews, they are the only rich white capitalist making the world better, 6 million good goys are the eggs of culture.

This is why they stopped sorting the statistics by race , they don't have to deny statistics that are no longer being collected.

stop and frisk found that 70% of blacks randomly stopped on the street were in the commission of a crime - and liberals said this proved it was racist to stop the 30% of blacks that weren't committing crimes right at that moment

Democrats can't say anything because it would alienate the nigger vote, which they are dependent on to win elections.

Schizo posting won't make me suddenly love niggers.

Those darn prosperous white people and their advanced civilizations!

What's needed is a rolling montage of all the examples of feral nigger behavior under those words.

Hard drive capacity isn't large enough to hold all that footage.


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All I recognize is you're a God-damned faggot. The problem is not niggers but pigs. Always was, always will be. Allah Akbar!