Is it true that left-leaning people tend to play horde, while right-leaning people tend to play alliance?

Is it true that left-leaning people tend to play horde, while right-leaning people tend to play alliance?

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Left-leaning people are paid by Microsoft-owned Blizzard to pozz the game
Right cucks pay monthly fees to play it

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The 20 year old game is solved and eveythnig with an IQ over 15 tend to play the Horde.

Is this a 14 year old bot that's come back to life or what's the deal.

the lefties of today are the metalheads of yesterday

i played a dwarf because I liked dwarves. all I know is horde was always much better at PVP
and alliance had a lot of players who were obvious keyboard turners

From my experience unironically, yes. Never thought about it this way though.


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its a post that was created in 2005 for Any Forums but it takes YEARS for the signal to get to earth and somehow ended up here

the opposite, actually

You need to let this game go. I quit like 15 year ago. Jesus christ know when to stop

normal people play horde (relatively normal for wow players). extremists on either side tend to play alliance. alliance public chats are wild compared to horde ones.

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Real right wingers play OSRS

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In case anyone wondered what was up with this shitty game being so popular

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>keyboard turner
what does this mean

someone who doesnt use the mouse to look around. they use the arrow keys

The horde never enslaved entire races. Whole reason I played horde is because playing Thrall in WW3 and liberating my people. Whereas the betrayal of Arthas and blowing up the Sunwell broke my heart. Horde just wanted to go to Kalimdor and be left alone. But!
In order of races:
> Blood Elf
> Night Elf
> Troll
> Human
> Dwarf
> Gnome
> Orc

there are way more women, furries, and boomers on alliance.

My experience as well, was always rightwing, rolled horde because of steppe aestethics and thinking arthas was a bit of an emo post war3.
Alliance always seemed the most popular option, so on pvp servers horde players picked it up quick, also many stun counters.


computer game noobs who turn with keyboard controls instead of the house (much slower maneuvering)

Its gaming time

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Yes. Leftards are attracted to ugly beasts

a keyboard turner is a someone who uses the A and D keys to rotate their character slowly instead of just using their mouse to do it instantly. 'keyboard turner' is a euphemism for trash player.

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Dead game. Thanks Activision

Orcs and Orc society is the most right-leaning group in the entire game. The entire race takes a lot of inspiration from Germanic/Nordic culture.

why the fuck wouldn't you use the mouse? lol

it's a pretty decent IQ test, to see how quick they learn to rebind strafe... in a permanently hotkey starved game it's the most useless keys.

>Orcs and Orc society is the most right-leaning group in the entire game. The entire race takes a lot of inspiration from Germanic/Nordic culture.

Desert dwelling green nigger looking animals were inspired by germanics?

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