Sakurajima eruption

Japanese volcano alert raised to 5/5



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My volcano chads, rise

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Odds a giant plume of ash makes its way to China?

How long has the alert been raised to 5/5? 6 or 7 hours now?

There won’t be a noticeable difference


Jap bro said in the other thread that the volcanic ash is actually a good thing for crops. And was disappointed of no ash for Japan. However, the projection was that it would just ash up Shanghai, which isn't agricultural?


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thread bump

I'm so hungry for a long-running happening. Please give lots of lava and ash, Konohanasakuya-hime.

Attached: Konohanasakuya-hime.png (681x914, 726.43K)

also thanks for baking croat bro

>Sakurajima volcano eruptions: 1955-ongoing,1954(?), 1950, 1948, 1946, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1939, 1938, 1935, 1914-15...
Huh? Has it been erupting for 67 years?


Not spam,

So it said in this article the volcano was likely to go big boom any-day, why would it blow up more than usual if it hasn't killed Japan yet? How bad could it possibly get? Has it never erupted for this long?


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it's a pleasure

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>Sakurajima's activity became more prominent in 1955, and the volcano has been erupting almost constantly ever since
never at this level though

comfy times again?

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404 for me

where is the closet nuke factory?

>Odds a giant plume of ash makes its way to China?
...and makes the Three Gorge Dam collapse?
[The '3GD si collapsing' dude just blew a load without knowing why]

Is this gonna be the one?

we're back, boys

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Sun should be rising there fairly soon and we can get a better view.

Are we looking at VEI 7 here?

Reposting from previous bread with some edits.
For anyone who isn't absolutely autistic about volcanoes and just comes by these threads for a quick bit of fun and banter about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, let me give you a quick rundown as to why Sakurajima exploding would be absolutely nutty.
To start, this volcano last had a major explosion 108 years ago. An explosion which caused pyroclastic flows that fused Sakurajima and Japan together into one landmass. An explosion that absorbed multiple islands, and sank multiple more into the ocean blue. Nearby towns were swallowed by 7+ ft of volcanic ash packing on top of the land. Debris rained down in a nearly 1,000 mile radius, causing absolute annihilation. The only reason hardly anybody died is due to the violent earthquakes that occurred prior to eruption, warning people to evacuate.

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Oh ney!
Moscow resident here, ready to accept wifey refugees.
We have no volcanos in sight.

Miss it so much bros.

team dog

>comfy times again?
Rokand for
La Palma Level Comfy.

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You managed to stir Etna too. Nice work!

Now, understand this: Sakurajima shares a magma chamber with the Aira Caldera. What this effectively means is that it has a potential power of VEI-7, while the eruption I previously mentioned was VEI-4. The scale for measuring volcanic eruption strength is logarithmic, meaning that VEI-7 is 1,000x the power of VEI-4. If you want a better sense of the world-ending doom a VEI-7 eruption would cause, read about the "Year Without a Summer". Also for reference, Yellowstone is VEI-8.
I'm not saying an explosion from Sakurajima is likely. In fact, I personally wouldn't expect one on such a scale for another 30 years. But what I am saying is that it is still POSSIBLE, and if that possibility is met, most of Japan could easily be turned into a pile of ash. IF something happens, this could be one of the biggest happenings for years to come.

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Eifel breaks out it will fuck you too

What appears to be a green laser can be seen fired directly at the volcano every few seconds on this livestrem, what's up with that?

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Keep an eye out for moth-man bros.


ah the loominari are busy again

the air will be cleaner in the long term

If this hit with VEI-7, all the NWO plans will be fucked, same as all of us.

>a good thing for crops
Unless you like heavy metals in your rice, tarro, other crops annnnd your water.

I'm willing to take that risk

Jewish space lasers striking the volcano to make eruption worse. Many such cases.

Roll for more death chinks


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>Eifel breaks out
is that some west german volcano?
>it will fuck you too
thats your wishful thinking

>If this hit with VEI-7
we are talking apocalypse levels user, worldwide crops would fail for a decade

Prevailing wind patterns will cover the entire Japanese Archipelago with sulfur and ash perfectly if this blows with a strength of VEI 7.

Giga over for Japan cells. Brutal


How many Fukushimas are we going to see on a scale from 1 to 1000

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Wonder what will VEI-6 did.

Excuse me, that's MOTH-RA.
But yeah.

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Eifel had a VEI6/7 eruption about 12k years ago.
Its near the border with France

Its the european yellowstone. It will most assuredly fuck you even in kamchatka. It will fuck the whole planet without lube and a humongous dick.

Attached: la palmica.png (440x410, 135.35K)

Tonga earlier this year was probably a low-end VEI-6

Apu, no!

We need to see Yellowstone blow too.
They got record flooding last month. In picrel you can see a rainbow. This was God's warning, as floods usually are.
The other day, ZooMontana in Billings hosted a drag queen story hour. Hundred of zombie Montanans attended.
About 70 protested.

And PalmaChan. The gay fest there spawned the monkey.

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VEI 7 depending on circumstances will cause a global famine for 1-2 years. Expect to pay x5 of what you are paying now, faggots.
A decade of crop failure requires VEI 8 and above.


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Space laser defense satellite trying to kill the Kaiju who just awoken in this volcano.

A new Cano!

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>Its the european yellowstone. It will most assuredly fuck you even in kamchatka.
Is this your famous german education?
user, i cant..

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Gave us quite some cloudy days.

Volcanic ash is good for crops but not immediately, it would destroy this year's crops if it landed directly on them but you'd get a very good crop the following year.

Well, we are off to a fantastic start numeral proc wise.
The Power of Kek Compels It.


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That was a pretty nice boom, half the size of Germany.

Do you think there will be a simultaneous activity in SE Asia or are they just set on JP for now.

Those are some shitty cameras, I thought the Japs made a buncha electronics shit?

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>will save me from volcanic winter
Dont you have some hohols to kill

Rolling for massive volcanic and seismic activity all across the world.


user...I...I think you should get out of there...

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Wow an actual happening

>VEI 8 and above
(Oi)VEI 8 seems like really bad, especially since the last one was 22K years ago

Its probably active since webcams were invented and nobody bothers to upgrade them. Streaming hd is costly anyway.

>>will save me from volcanic winter
i have access to actual traditional fuel and normal food stocks.
also telling Russian to be afraid of winter.
among all you my ass is mighty fine.
>Dont you have some hohols to kill
kekus maximus.
our forces there are barely 100k.
not even regular army of 900k is used.

another nothing burger general?
how many months will this one last?

governments like to cut costs

"Peace and safety in Southeast Asia"