/GREAT BOOKS/ thread

Do you want to save civilzation? Do you want to learn what has gone wrong, and see the world through the eyes of the men who took us to the highest heights mankind has known? Save this photo, and look at every title.

Read the Great Books of the Western world.



Begin with "The Great Conversation" by Robert Hutchins. WARNING: This education is only for mankind's most elite. In a world where the west is fallen, and where academics are working hard to undermine this intellectual inheritance, and where our attentions are under full frontal assault every day,the stakes are higher, yet heroes are needed more than ever. Read the books, user.

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We have absued our technology and erect a corrupt digital society in place of a grounded and lucid literary one, rooted in the most enduring and important ideas. Instead of Shakespeare and Aesychlus, we have Netflix and Marvel. Instead of knowing the foundational truths of calculus, we memorize formulas, or let machines do the hard work for us. Folks, it is a true dystopia. Corporatism has enveloped the world. Our culture is ruined. Our cities are ungly and unsafe. People are empty and virtueless.

Before TV, videogames, screens, memes, and a 24 hour news cycle, what were people doing? They were reading, and they were reading the books which served as the foundation of their civilzation. They also were hyper-aware of the forces which commanded their lives, and many great thinkers predicted the modern world, and warned of it. The world was far better then. What has changed? How might we fix it? You cannot know, and certainly cannot act, without the right education.

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>Begin with "The Great Conversation" by Robert Hutchins. WARNING: This education is only for mankind's most elite. In a world where the west is fallen, and where academics are working hard to undermine this intellectual inheritance, and where our attentions are under full frontal assault every day,the stakes are higher, yet heroes are needed more than ever.

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You should read Mein Kampf. There is an important segment in Mein Kampf regarding Hitler's theory of Aryan nations, which is rooted in the culture I am trying to save. What did Hitler say causes Aryan nations to fall? Did you read Mein Kampf?

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It's largely pointless to read something unless you can't read the original version in its native language.

"Memes" are a symptom of our disgraced world. You are hardly men at all. Go play a video game, slave.

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Nice meme.

Really, any .jpg is a meme to you?

>Oh noooez, the west has fallen because netflix and marvel
>Shhhhh goy, you don't need to know who owns and creates all the pressure points of degeneracy that destroy the fabric of your civilization. Here, have a normie book and consider yourself part of the world parasites, while my discord tranny grooming friends post here dismissing reading in general, mein kampf and throw general white noise at you

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Yeah, who needs to know how mathematics, physics, and chemistry developed? Who needs Spengler, Neitszche, or Heidegger, when they all read these books and knew more than you. Fucking moron. Have you even read Mein Kampf?

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No, the "real men don't make memes" meme.

>Do you want to save civilzation?

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The fountainhead
Atlas shrugged
Introduction to objectivism
The romantic manifesto

I don't know what that meme is, and I'm glad I don't. Stop looking at memes. You shouldn't recognize them. They're not important.

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Objectivism is cool, but its not enough.

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Once the printer got invented the general public began reading. But they mostly read smut. Reading and understanding quality work requires an adequate IQ and temperance. You can't force those traits unto people.

Instead of parading nostalgia, you should assimilate all you have read into a new groundbreaking idea to impress people. Men lead by actions not words. Because surely you can do more than just consume old tomes?

Thread summary:
>"Wow, reading books and improving the world is hard, but sitting on my ass and playing a child's game is easy! Haha, I love looking at memes! 'kek!' wow that comes from World of Warcraft, I love that game! I love sitting on my ass and being useless! I can't wait to get turned into ash and stuck in wall somewhere when I die, because that's all the reminsicence my life will generate! That's all I will be worthy of! I can't wait to continue a life of insignificance and pointlessness! More memes, more rage-bait, wowee! I'll be 45 looking at the latest Drag Queen Story Hour news! Remember - you're here forever, haha! I sure will be!"

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I'm doing fine, but reading the books genuinely improves lives. These are not "tomes." Many of these works are relevant to major fields of study today, and they develop the soul. There's a concerted effort to destroy their legacy, and we are seeing culture and scholarship suffer for it. The academy is suffering. The liberal arts are totally ruined, and STEM suffers when people are not familiar with the origins of their field and lack a rigourous understanding of the scientific method and how the modern world came to be. There's a danger in overly specialized fields. Scholars and researchers become deracinated and cumbersome if they are not grounded in the grander fabric of knowledge which most fields of study derive out of. There's a lot of knowledge we're dumping if we ignore these works. I already know we're at the twilight of our civilization. A dark age hardly advertises itself as such, but thought I could drop a few sparks here, before I consign Any Forums to oblivion.

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Problem is that Rand didnt finish somethings about her works.
The ARI is extremely libtard on some points because of that. So sad man

ARI's also got a lot of Koch money, which is fine I guess, because these institutions cannot be very effective if they're considered wildly anti-social, and libertarianism already has plenty of enemies in academia and general media/idea-generating apparatus in America.

I recently spent a week with a Pawnee medicine-man. He's on the way out, and I asked him what books from his collection he felt were the most important that I read, to learn more about our heritage. Pic related; 1/2

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Very cool - thanks for sharing this.

He said that Mystic Warriors of the Plains was hands-down the most accurate accounting of natives throughout the southeast and plains, due to the (Lutheran) author's didactic insistence on interviewing a metric fuckton of people. These two others are peripheral in his mind. Illustrations are the most important part, though, he said. He laughed about books that said "things about people, and what they say, but not what they look like." Purely verbal expression was absolutely alien to him. 2/2

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Great stuff. Glad you got some information from him. I'll be checking these books out.

>just read random books
I'd rather get a structured classical education with the trivium and the quadrivium but thanks for trying.

I agree with your points, but the problem your talking about is caused by capitalism coupled with the internet, not because of an lack of knowledge concerning the scientific method or origins of their field. The internet has been both one of the greatest blessings and one worst curses placed upon humanity. A worthwhile tool in capable hands, but a highway to degeneracy in most cases. Modern academia will never live up to the standards of yesterday as long as we are stuck in a interconnected globalist world. You shouldn't just leave Any Forums but leave the internet all together and only return for scholarly pursuits.

You should read "Real Science
What it is, and what it means" by John Ziman if you care about knowning why Modern science is fucked

Do you know where this picture is from? This is a picture of the book curriculum of one of the oldest colleges in America. In the early 20th century, they decided to root their curriculum in these books, in these order. This is not my book shelf. Many great thinkers of the past were rooted in these books, but education has been hollowed out and cheapened, or its been hyper-specialized, or just totally corrupted. Chances are, most of the geniuses, or PhD. holders of signififcance walking around today have read at least one of these books.

>they mostly read smut
Not true, at least in America. Tocqueville relates that even the most remote cabin had a Bible and some Shakespeare. He also talks about how that type of work was allowed to be published in America but no one would read it so it wasn't.
It wasn't until jews got their fangs into America that this type of thing happened; see the Hayes Code.
But you already know that don't you jewboy?