Do they really?

Do they really?

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Go black redditardo

can't fix stupid

>masks are proven to help
Then why haven't they been helping?

1/3 of people here still wear masks while shopping.

They don't make butthole masks that help against monkeypox, apparently.

Joseph R Biden CURED Corona you fucking bigots

well u/layoutscreendesigner,
for that name id assume you know how to google, and with 3 short queries you would debunk any question you may have

monkeypox isnt airborn
masks dont work (cdc confirmed)
much of the covid relief money has been frauded
the president is taking horse medicine
everything you think is right is wrong

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how the fuck do these people still think masks work? i havent even seen any media cope that is half ways convincing. yeah they just dont work well enough to keep anyone from actually getting rona but ill just keep wearing this filthy rag on my face forever anyways

fucking Germany man. I just came from Brussels the globohomo capital and very few

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Because it works on a hyperbolic principle.
If even one person isn't triple masked, it spreads through even ten masks.
Seriously, do any of you even trust the science?

Why does it repeat everything? Is this peak NPC output?

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Reddit Boomer Doomer Cope

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>and the masks are proven to help?
thank god predditors are so easily identifiable

Probably a smug atheist. Two hundred years ago he'd be wearing a hair shirt and flogging himself in the name of god. Today he wears a facediaper and convinces himself that the aches and weird sensations from his booster are signs that it's working.

people still wearing masks here in supermarket, cars, even in restaurants. for some peoples brain authority propaganda fits like a glove.

Go back faggot

>any day now

There's a pair of liveral boomer fucks that just walked into the BBQ joint I'm at right now masked all the way up. The woman is conspicuously carrying her knockoff Hydro-Flask. She brought her own water to a fucking restaurant.
I want to kill her.

How can a dermatological disease be stopped by a mask?
Redditors are a group of morons who make each other look smart but from the outside looking in it's just a pack of retards licking each others hair.

Love the irony

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I still use it. Seethe anti vax fags

>With Monkeypox appearing around the world
shit, I didn't know masks protect me from anal sex

Yes please do

You're going to die and all you have to show for it was blind faith in something you don't understand and wouldn't until you lived to be a thousand.

Imagine how many more people would have died if we did not wear them.

When did everyone become so concerned with hydration they need to carry their own personal water bottles around everywhere? I know it's been a thing for years now but npc trends are weird

A bottle of water out of a case is 20 cents
A bottle of water from anywhere else is 1.75+