How to get rid of gypsies?

gypsies often sit in front of my house, how do i get rid of them, preferably legal way? I wish I could shoot them, of course that is not legal. Is calling the police worth it? What are some tricks to make their life uneasy?

Loud monkeys, should belong in zoo.

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Move out.

Build a speaker system that blasts ultra low or ultra high frequencies at them. Turn it on when you leave your house.

I thought about this too. But figured… I don’t want to be associated with them. They often bring loud ass speakers… You can imagine. I don’t want to annoy my neighbors.

Some remote water system would be great. Just splash them with my piss.

I thought I’d shoot them with water gun, but it probably wouldn’t shoot that far and they would see where it comes from.

are gypsies afraid of big dogs like niggers? you could get a big dog and walk it around them, bonus for based animal companion

I think we should take all the gypsies and just send them home. To Romania.

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Go down with a few mates and sort 'em out lad

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The annoying your neighbors will stop once they leave.

You could also remove the benches until they stop coming by.

12L heavy cream
3 Dozen eggs
1 package of cheap chicken thighs or drumsticks
12 cans of tuna

Chop up the chicken parts and mix everything in several buckets with lids and leave it out in the sun for a week. Then walk over to where they're squatting and dump it all over the ground. The smell is unbearable and it will attract a million flies which will also be completely fucking unbearable. Problem solved for around 100 dollars.

You have not a single clue of how much of a stink gypsies can endure, do you? Rumor has it, the indians learned it from the gypsies as a parting gift.

If the stink doesn't drive them off the flies will.

Make a trail of iron and copper scraps leading to a nearest river. Watch them drown trying to get the last piece.

Gypsies got kicked out of India. A fucking India out of all the places. That should tell you all you need to know about them.

Datura seeds, protein shakes, and patience, get jacked so you can easily assault them, target them individually (i know they're gypos, gonna be hard), knock them out, administer 4 or 5 seeds, guy will never be the same again in his life 100% for the worse.

What are the regulations for campfires on property in your area? Make a nice hot fire, and put some fresh leaves on it. Smoke them out.

Dump broken glass where they sit

Put a Webcam and livestream their monkey antics for money. Bonus points if you hook up a speaker.

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Get a camera, real or fake, but not a small hidden one.
Point it directly at where they are, visibly.

Offer them blowjob's

Go out at night and shit around the area they congregate. Do it for a solid week.
No more Gypos.

Offer a job for them.

get a concealed carry since you can in Czechia

Easy you can do it in 3 steps :

1) You can arabs to get rid of the gypsies.

2) You import blacks to get rid of the arabs

3) You dig a trench all over your house and fill it with water !

Ask a bulgarian about gippoids and he will tell you.
>These speciemen are type 8A-.
What this means is their normality level is above average, but they are true to color and behaviour. I have dealt with the whole gamma. They will get bored eventually, but also they can bring their female prototypes. That's when things are going to get worse. Best you can do is:
>Wait for them to become too noisy and ask neigbours, if they have troubles with them too.
Then go together and move them out, or just cut the benches.

We used beatings, systemic abuse by police, police, general population, sometimes a bit of murder and ofc the classic, just send em to hungary

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