What is the political implication of the man at the forefront of the liberal movement looking like this?

What is the political implication of the man at the forefront of the liberal movement looking like this?

Attached: Chad.jpg (452x678, 20.83K)

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no one cares fuck off homo

neo liberals are all faggots, he takes it in the ass 100%

If he's so liberal then he should prove it and move to a black majority neighborhood.

Slide thread. Sage in all fields.

My cock is thin

there's a reason hew doesn't post his chicken legs bro, just leg swipe the fucker lmfao

This is why the right loses

This dude would get beat to death by an overweight construction worker guaranteed


Attached: andrewtatehitler.jpg (369x212, 25.7K)

Meaningless until he fights Sam Hyde.

>imagine taking roids and looking this shit

Who cares

He's on roids tho.

Hes a hypocrite so it may be quite damaging. Let it crumble, they just suck the life out of you even if you care just a little bit

>overweight construction worker
Given Hasan still has semi-functional knees, no he won't.

He talks tough but when someone offers him money to fight he backs out like the little bitch he is.

He looks like a monkey.

Attached: elmo-shrug.gif (220x125, 53.05K)

He gets tons of money his way but is not able to change one thing.

Physical fitness is right wing. So nice try dude.

Attached: 23409423902340.jpg (1000x1426, 926.88K)

>take roids
>still look like a DYEL
>afraid to fight Sam Hyde
yeah I'm thinking he's a faggot

so you have one token shitskin who's not a complete abomination and now you're spamming him as some sort of proof for what exactly?

None user, none. He’s just the media faggot of the month.
That is it.

Good structure, his physique is well "flowing".
Neck is lacking a bit.

How do you know he took roids?

Honestly you could not insult him further entirely deserved however as he is the most homosexual roach on this planet.

Looking like a faggot? That’s common among them.

none. it's called being a grifter. he's milking his commie followers for money and is living in a multi-million dollar home. so basically applied communism.

One of the whores he fucked already leaked he has a microdick so hes like a nice car with substandard horsepower

You're a PR firm intern spamming your shitty client for hate views. kill yourself.

we have cuter homosexuals and higher monkeypox rates


Vapid, silverspoon, pied piper?
The only implication is how braindead anyone taking him as a serious source of knowledge is.

you know hes gay right?