You're all going to call me a shill but what if the "vaccine" is actually mildly dangerous and we're seeing the side...

You're all going to call me a shill but what if the "vaccine" is actually mildly dangerous and we're seeing the side effects everywhere on Any Forums the same way we see trannies everywhere on this website?
Remember that trannies represent less than 1% or the population. We see what we want to see or believe, like with statistics.
I'm not saying that people need to get jabbed for a flu with a 99.5% chances of survival, just that, yes, big pharma and the state royally fucked us and the economy but no, it's not going to kill vaxxies and all of this nonsense is engineered to make us not pay attention at the massive wealth transmission that happened during the fake covid crisis and lockdown. Everyone is poorer than dirt now and the 1% is laughing at us while we fight and post pictures of injured retards. All of it is a distraction like the war and the satanists to make us forget that we'll own nothing and eat ze bugs.

I'm afraid that this is the truth, the real one. It's cold, boring, miserable and we won't be able to avoid it, we'll all live under bridges and we will drown in illegal aliens. Not really amazing or comfortable to think about, no funny zombie world or aylmao takeover. Just more niggers everywhere and living in favelas.

Face it, do you see piles of corpses when you go outside? Are people getting crazy and sick? No. Like with the flu that only exists when you turn on the tv, the deadly vaccine only exists when you go on Any Forums. We all live a boring shit existence and we'd gladly take the excitement of an enormous culling by death jabs just for a change of pace isn't it? I was like that for a while.

I'll never take the jab and I support the execution of political leeches and doctors who used this fear to rob us of our future. But I think that we're simply losing time and screaming at the void right now.
Maybe the jab will make vaxxies more sick globally to secure more profit for big pharma, but I'm not expecting a massive genocide anytime soon.

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Oh, and I also forgot about the famine that is to come with the ruined crops everywhere, the "war", the elite buying all the lands like that microshart faggot and the farmers getting buttfucked everywhere in yurope to "save le earth" from le climate change.
Actually if a lot of people are going to die it's probably because of food shortages.
Again, the reality is just shit and with a combination of contrarianism and cope we refuse to see how ugly this piece of shit earth truly is.

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Shameless bump just to see if I was autosaged. I can't get at least one reply just to see what you are thinking?

I agree in some regard

I believe that we hope for it to be real a little and saying the truth just kills the mood and prevents people from replying. I don't know what I was expecting. If people aren't excited, pumped up or completely batshit crazy they don't participate in Any Forumsthreads. This thread will die super fast and another [VAXXIES ARE DYING] thread will take place. It has b en more than one year already, and in one more it'll be the same.
Life is horribly boring.

If we had any common sense in general 1/2 of the threads here that aren't bots or shills would actually have plans or ideas to help spread the truth or get people to understand the problems within their modern society. The fact threads like these will die or be bumped off by some sperg saying 1 side proves that no one has this simple logic.

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I'm 90% sure the antivaxxers were only needed to end the lockdowns already.

Synthetic mRNA has caused significantly more injuries than any other vaccine in human circulation.

The novel design of the mRNA has never existed in nature, it is entirely foreign to all know pathogenic biology. All kniwn corona virus atte ots of vaccination have failed and resulted in recipients immune systems degredation. The PIC (pharmacuetical i dustrial complex) wants to make money in the crowded vaccine industry, exempt from liability, state mandated, and private industry enforced, its a fucking cash cow. Theyll lie all the way to the bank and never need to pay a single cent for millions of people damaged.

>words WORDS
You took the vaxx, you trusted the government. No refunds.

I'd like to know one day the age of the regular user of Any Forums. It'll certainly destroy what's left of my ego if I learn that I've been arguing using my broken english with 10yo for years. What a waste.

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Well done user, minus the humourous hyperbole this is 100% true.

Controlled op's in the alt-media at every turn trying to convince us of permanent DNA alteration and other futurist wet dreams. They're pissing themselves as we toil over this bullshit.

DNA is not a blueprint but a readout for the state of cells in response to their environment. Even inhereted characteristics can change in the course of a life.

A tiny number of the vials contain an acute poison that isn't even worth describing. That's all there is to it.

No reason to think of either the vaxx or Covid from an extreme perspective. I'm still not taking it, no matter what.

Yeah but isn't it the first time that successive vaccination happened on such a large scale? Vaccines are bad enough and having half of the earth taking a mRNA mystery juice will indeed provoke something.
Vaxxies were all lab rats, that is a fact. Now I'd like to know if they are going to die or not and only time will tell.

I think your statement is probably the more close to reality, theses vaccines effects are overestimated, what ((they)) want in the first place isn't mass genocide but control, they want to keep their places and privileges and maintain this dying system at all cost (but they will inevitably fail since they're retards disconnected from reality who just want power grabs without thinking about the long-term effects of their policies)

If these vaccines (or rather genic therapies) kill more than the "normal" ones, it's only because they're industrail products conceived and produced in a short period of time without all the necessary and habitual precautions they're supposed to go through. They're basically like Mc Burgers from fast-food, they contain more poisonous susbtances than anything else, but they aren't mass depopulation weapons, just a shitty product made by retarded control-freak ((corporates)) that anyone willing to stay sane and healthy should avoid taking.

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Based Blame! poster.

I dunno frog bro, Seems like an awful lot of people are dropping dead right now.
Nobody knows anyone that died of covid yet i bet most people know someone that got fucked up after the jabs.

Unvaxxed because I'm young and healthy, but I always roll my eyes when I see those goofy ass red deer posts. Obviously, there are severe side-effects that were covered up, but it's more along the lines of "HAVE YOU OR A LOVED ONE CONTRACTED AN IMMUNE OR HEART DISORDER FOLLOWING COVID-19 VACCINATION BETWEEN 2021-2024? CALL US NOW" commercials in the future, rather than instantaneous apocalypse. I just think people are itching for collapse, which is understandable, but the whole idea of globohomo killing their strongest supporters always seemed like wishful thinking to me.

We'll see. I know some but not everyone died and my close neighbors despite their suicidal lifestyle are still alive (drunkard, drug addicts, heavy smoker).
Now what is going to be very interesting is the state of this board in one more year. If all the population that was jabbed doesn't die how is Any Forums going to defend its credibility after talking about red deer and shit for months... No, YEARS? Even redditors are going to piss on us.

He's just like me

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I understand your point fren, But i don't see much good happening in a years time, vaxx is gonna be just one side of it. Fucking hell this by Christmas i reckon we are gonna be living through hell on earth.

No? You're thinking too small on this, and not looking at the entire picture, because they want you to be scared and focus on not dying rather than connecting dots and making assumptions.

There have been FDA approved drugs that got recalled and banned 10-20 years after it was released to the public. Those drugs as well would have past through more clinical and human trails than the COVID Vaccines had to past through. Additionally, the vaccine drug ingredients contains proprietary substances never tested on humans ever before. It may be the most deadly latent substance in the world, slowly growing like a cancer in the human body until it rears its human 10 years later or it might have no effect at all, we just don't know.

What we do know, is that the FDA is beyond corrupt and emergency approval was given to the 2 shot Vaccine based a 50% efficacy, which was never replicated in real life as COVID Cases only increased to their highest ever in regions with 65% vaccinations. Then they claimed that a booster would fix it and would that didn't work another booster would fix it. They claimed that the same vaccine that was developed for the original strain would somehow work for all the variants, despite the variants being more "deadly" and we should be more scared. Each company pocketed 50 billion dollars, while plunging small countries into either debt to pay for them or giving it to them for "free". Alot of the countries that got free vaccines also started to suffer inflation and cost of living increases, is that funny? It was an economic ponzi scheme that due to media indoctrination, people refuse to admit they got scammed.

Because the realization setting in that LE HAPPENINGS aren't really happening is incredibly disappointing.

Look at the Ukraine hohol situation for reference.
> Muh hohol genocide
> Muh destroyed Maripol
> Muh terrible war
> Muh dead generals, soldiers and civilians

The truth: The Ruskis pulled all the male (because based) citizens and surrendering hohol soldiers out and sticked them somewhere in the countryside in Ruskiland.
Meanwhile all the hohol hoes came over to the West and have the time of their life competing with Stacey, Carmen, Tanisha and Ayisha for Chad cock.
So no big slaughterfest.

It's literally Globoschlomo Team A (blue-yellow) and Globoschlomo Team B (white-blue-red) wasting their old munitions on some staging ground because Martin Lockheed and friends have gone so coomer mode on their weapons manufacturing, both teams literally cannot hold any new inventory.
The storage is full to the brim, it must be emptied.

The videos of dead Russians and Ukrainians you see are the ever same few victims of the early engagements recycled OR crisis actors.
The videos of mass graves are fake.
The stories of war heroes from hohol land are gay and also fake.
Most of hohol land was not shelled.
In most pronvices the hohol cattle population passes Ruskis by in their grocery shopping tours, casually greeting them.
There is no big civil war. The videos of moronic hohols throwing molotov cocktails from their cars are literally targetting abandoned military vehicles, that are heavily armored and immune to flaming vodka either way.

It's all fake and people comply with the happening because it keeps our system of a machine running.

Weapon get to manufacturers produce more weapons.
Soldiers get to stand guard duty somewhere nice for once.
Newspapers get to write more bullshit stories.
Governments get to have their workcattle rattled.
The work slaves gets to feel special like they're part of something and not just genetic deadends.
Everybody wins. The end.

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Same, we're out of gas and electricity, life is unaffordable, rents are forever increasing, boomers are sucking up our life force with pension, ue wants to make owning a property illegal /wants to put a number on us and force us to adopt digital currency... The jab episode was an escapade, we're dreaming of apocalyptic events to not think about the poverty and misery at our door. It's not our fault, we're facing trauma like everyone else. Maybe people will one day unite to take care of the 1% but first we need to stop screaming at each other and it's hard.
I wish we got out of the EU like you Brits.

Some will be shuffled into long term care, years of advance medical technology and made up diseases like summer vagina, sudden adult death syndrome, and Guillaume Barre Syndrome. Mild myocarditis in teenagers.

Money for the medical industry.

The data is undeniable, the vaxxed are more susceptible to catching COVID than the unvaxxed thanks to their non-neutralizing antibodies. This wasn’t true before Omicron. All it takes is for Omicron to evolve to overcome these non-neutralizing antibodies which are paradoxically preventing transfection in the lungs and the vaxxed will drop like flies. Your post implies a level of stability in the current situation which is nonsensical given the history of rapid evolution in coronaviruses.

Thanks for the replies but I can't talk any longer. I didn't sleep for 32 hours so I'll give you the thread. Make whatever you want of it I'm out of steam and hope for the future. I don't even know what I want and if I wish to be right or wrong. The kikes won.

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I didn't think the French were in too bad a position ? I know the Germans seem like they are fucked, The whole food crisis is what's getting me spooked US fires in food plants Grain in Russia/ Ukraine, fertilizer Dutch farmers being forced off land.. It's all looking rather bleak fren i hope we can all at least prepare for our families a bit, I know i am.