WHY Are Niggers So Racist

I thought they were the good guys

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Go back to your gook larp thread, you race mixing faggot.

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They are good guys because they are so racist.

All the race-mixing whites have been tricked into evil by a karmatic shell game.

>racemix goyim!
Gross. Whites are better

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That post seems so fake. Also, no Black person is losing sleep over her.

i wish i had my hands on some black girl tits like that right now

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It’s hilarious how blacks always paint themselves as the victim. Check out black websites like worldstarhiphop and go to their comments, they’re the most vile group against the other. Especially when they believe they have super powers just for the fact of their dark skin.

>WHY Are Niggers So Racist
Wouldn't anyone surrounded by them day in, day out?

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Don't believe the sugarcoating, user. Pretty much everyone is racist to one another to some degree. Whites, Blacks, Asians, etc., but it usually teeters on less harmful antics like being cautious, making race based jokes, saying expletives, etc. It's not really a problem unless it starts to effect people's livelihoods and physical well being. I mean, some of you are going to end up trying to move to South Korea or Japan expecting to be treating like a king just for being white, but will be met with disdain once you go beyond the tourist areas.

Very nice milkers

>racemix, goy!
>white man bleaches a black woman
>nooooooooo not like that!

They also hate racetraitors, LMAO.

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Nigcels are real and jelous of how easy the white chad has it. That is why they hate whites.

They are not, just go to Africa and pick up basically any girl you want as a regular white guy, a french guy impregnated like 700 women there just for fun, I think niggers are naturally the least ethnocentric race when it comes to sex

The rape of Berlin is what they want but this time they want it against "Amalek." They want it against all whites in Europe, all Whites anywhere in Russia, in the US in the Caucasus. EVERY LAST ONE.

They'll do anything to pit us all against eachother, from geopolitics to language, from taste in clothing to age, from women to religion. Everything to end the white race they will atrempt it.

They will start it before 50% of whites can inform the others, they will start it because they know that while other races may laugh, may joke, white people don't play sports, whatever. There is nothing they are more afraid of than whites uniting, and we face a battle, a battle which has never happened, a tale as old as time, yet though Europe has never seen a long peace and neither Russia, and even America being the new world, we now face hordes of EVERYONE ELSE.

You must stop fighting with just hate, you cannot drive yourself on that alone. You have to love other whites more than you hate everyone else, Chinese and Indians have well over 1.5 billion each, Blacks have billions, spanish have close to that, then arabic people, then us... The last left aside from the jews... If people can't be erased go find a Native American in the United States.

YOU, if you're white and you hate me, fine, YOU ARE BEING REPLACED. They will attack with isms, with communism and capitalism and authoritarianism, anything to make you divide.

ONLY ASIANS have seen through this, and they cannot decide between pitting us against eachother or them yet, they cannot defeat either.

Blacks are easily complacent and while there are the outliers the average is clear for them, but they are wise, wise enough to play sad, play victim and wait, wait for us to do what we do best, what we've done for centuries, fight eachother. There is nothing they fear more than us ALL uniting.

Remember the crusades they are afraid of that, and they never really stopped.

We face today not only what JFK warned you of, but they are confident, confident you will fight your fellow brother. They will tell you things about him, they will use your division of language and say they know best, they will act as if not only is it ONLY them who studied the great wars, but also them who LIVED IT. They will tell you to hate Russia, they will tell you to hate America, they will tell you to hate France or Germany or the UK or Australia, they do it now and it's working here, even in this thread. They will keep at it, and division is easy for you are all already physically divided. They will warn you that the enemy looks like you and you ally does not, they will play up issues of the past and divisive nonsense which is irrelevent to today. They will SCREAM about how they know best, but they will never NOT ONCE tell you to focus on race. Every other race can be proud EXCEPT FOR YOU. They will say cheer the black man, the Asian man, the Jewish man, and the Spaniard, be proud even of the Arabic man who comes from afar, but YOU, YOU WHO CREATED THE LAND FOR WHICH THEY COME TO, you, you must be submissive, passive, obedient, tolerant and accept your lowly status. Don't be proud, don't be proud though you have no place to run back to, or new place to venture forth upon. Unlike the others who are proud you, you have nowhere left to go, everyone will run to you to be oppressed and you must accept it.

ugh, I went to S/E Asia and was treated like a king OUTSIDE of the tourist areas.

Learn to love your fellow man with a burning desire, it's not enough to sit idle and wait, hold your breath and when you cannot stand it, realize that is how bad you must want to help them. It IS life and death of you.

Don't cling to hatred of others, cling to love for YOUR FELLOW MAN, and be proud for it is your nation they all run to. No matter where, America, Austrailia, UK, Europe, Eastern Europe, NONE OF YOU are going to them. REMEMBER THAT.

Pay attention to who is saying these things, and pay attention to where they come from, look to see why they come, and if you would be so graciously treated in their land.

Search 1910's to 1930's video of Europe and you'll see why...

God bless you all, we are against a most powerful evil and I want you to know. I love you all, just as they are proud so too must you be.

Do NOT FALL FOR PETTY SQUABBLING ON THIS SITE OR ANYWHERE ELSE, AND SPREAD THIS MESSAGE, do not waste your time arguing with those who provoke. They hate you. Do not argue with an idiot for those who are looking on from afar cannot tell the difference, unite yourselves.

Random user-fren - to you all. God bless you and be at peace and ease, their propaganda wouldn't be necessary if there was no hope.

























Don't forget what they want for you.

Don't forget what they really want for you...
They had it before but they want it for YOU...

Low IQ because they have ancestors that were more violent and less intelligent than whites. Empathy and enlightened ways of thinking trend with higher IQ.

You win Romania user. I tried to explain how manly and unattractive charlotte was to my GF. She said it’s just a decent looking girl with bad hair.

Because many lack self-reflection and/or are taught that when they do what is done to them, that it is not racist when they do it because they're oppressed. This is reinforced by a victim mindset which many are indoctrinated with in their shitty public schools.

I atteneded horace mann school

great looking and with great hair IMO, but still, she's almost right

Based time machine poster, fuck niggers. Everything they touch turns to shit.

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they're literally more racist than anyone

I remember an user who created a whole website dedicated to brutal black on white crimes, there were tens of thousands of them.

Don't forget race traitors, they encouraged this kind of behavior

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Go find one, Nigel.

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Mixed white and black children are not so bad, scale back your racism. Gas the Jews, breed black woman

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