You know why I don't sort trash? These retards expect me to throw away one piece of trash at a time. Fuck that...

You know why I don't sort trash? These retards expect me to throw away one piece of trash at a time. Fuck that. Make the hole bigger or kys. It's like they want to insult people with that shit. Then they complain on news, that people don't want to sort for some reason.

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who cares lmao

recycling plastic is a scam. Plastic is not sustainable and no amount of recycling will ever change that. Glass and alloy is the only way but I guess the jews would rather preach to us about "muh recycling to save the world goy" than take a 10% cost of production increase to actually solve the problem.

Plastic goes straight to the incinerator, sorted or not.
They fool people putting the R on it and people think that it means Recicled or to be recycled but it only indicates the theoretical possibility of recovery, not that it will happen. It's Jewish in the extreme

They only do that so you feel guilty and they can pay more money to their friend subcontactor who they have comission with.

Hire a wagim to sort it out

Here in Denmark we are up to 7 bins in every suburban house. Every body thinks its great. Normies will be normies...

classic humiliation ritual
penn and teller proved people were willing to put up with it years ago. Now the joke becomes reality

Attached: nigger trash.webm (720x720, 2.84M)

Most houses have two here. One for trash and one for recycling plastic and cardboard. What is funny is they want me to pay to have a recycling bin so I simply don't pay. Who would willingly pay for the privilege to sort their own trash so someone else can profit.

>Polish words run 4 consonants in a row topped off with one vowel
Neanderthal tier language

>Make the hole bigger or kys
Very based OP.

>7 bins
lol 4 real?
What are the categories?

>Who would willingly pay for the privilege to sort their own trash so someone else can profit.
Demented brainwashed unthinking retards.

Ever since they introduced the "environment tax" of 0.09€ for plastic bags here, I just throw everything in the trash and have stopped recycling.

They should follow the Sweden approach and have the trash moan a sexual voice whne you throw something in it. Im sure that will solve the problem

punch the hole bigger, don't let the jews win

It should be something less jewish, such as:
> organic trash, medicines and food/medical packaging
> other types of packaging and discarded durable goods, with a container for batteries

Or a separate small container for medicine in the first category.
Automatically separating plastic and metal packaging from organic matter is possible.

There are a few types of common plastics that is recyclable, but expensive. Most of it is not recyclable and is just burned, it is true. I studied environmental science and what you say is correct.
I think the idea why they recycle plastic it just to make people used to sorting. That one does nothing, true.

Can't even remember I just drop it all in one bin, will take a pic next time i at my sis place. I think its plastic, paper, compost, non compost, glass. Ican for my life of it remember the last. But even people mad at it are doing it for 'the common good". Remember half of the population here works for the state so the have to believe, or tell them self, that the state are doing the right thing to get up in the morning.


This is a kike VPNfag trying to get you to act like a nigger.

>recycle as much as possible
>look up what happens to recycled trash
>all of it is sold to china or india and then hauled across the ocean on a boat (more CO2 emitted than a lifetime of like 100 people driving)
>dumped into the ocean by 3rd worlders

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China stopped buying plastics in 2019. That's why the west is fucked now.

Same but all my neighbors recycle so it’s kind of embarrassing

I work at a restaurant that has two slots, one for plastic and one for garbage but they all go out to the same dumpster lmfao

Sorting your trash is the ultimate litmus test for not being a nigger much like bringing back your shopping cart is. Also, you fags don't have superior trash bins that you can just yeet your trash into.

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And the mass replies are kikes too, as always.

Here they switched what the colours of the bins mean. I haven't bothered to check what it is now so I just throw everything into my regular bin.

Sure retards. It's all kikes replying to kikes about kikes. Kikes!

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This, but unironically

I don't sort trash out of principle. The government here made it illegal to have private garbage companies, you have to pay the public garbage company money and give them your trash. I also throw batteries in there, if they want my trash so bad they can have it all.

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I just throw everything in the same bin except glass.

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