What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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The moment it became plebbit core.

episode 2 literally promoted bbc cuckoldry

Its fanbase

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>black guy who is dating white cheerleader at school beats up Hitler

Daaaaaaaang son

It's a literal cartoon. It's shocking to think adults actually watched and liked this.

have you ever heard Dan Harmon talk? guy gives me the fucking creeps

You know the Flintstones were the first primetime cartoon show ever aired. It was for adults at the time. Not for any crudeness just the jokes would go over the kids head.

What about King of the Hill?

>What about King of the Hill?
It's a literal cartoon. It's shocking to think adults actually watched and liked that.

i watched 1 episode of this gay shit because all the fags were talking about it. theyre was some frankestein that merged abraham lincoln with hitler. They said how is possible to merge someone so pious and good "abrahamson lincoon" with someoen so evil "muh hitler" i immediate turned the faggotry off

It was created.

Reddit. Literally every single time it's always Reddit. That site exists solely to destroy everything just to complain about how it's destroyed.

I didn't like King of the Hill as a kid. Rewatched as an adult and appreciated it much more.
KotH is an adult animation in the sense it was made for adults, but it doesn't have the nudity or language modern adult animation has.

What jokes.

>Someone I don't like likes thing
Why are Any Forums fucks such insufferable, virtue signaling numb skulls?

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Oh noes they inulted mein fuhrer :((((

oh noes a black man was in that show

you are pathetic faggots

to be honest I still enjoy family bits, whenever they act more as a family and rick actually fullfils role of grandpa despite everything it's fun to watch

changed writers

When the doc brown character started talking in episode 1 and it was all aimless unfunny adlib and 45 burps per second.