What if they're right? What if over-population is a problem

What if they're right? What if over-population is a problem...

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stop foreign aid and gas all redditors, twitter users
problem solved

Then they should volunteer to off themselves first as proof of their conviction.

They're aware of the problem unlike the normies

Klause can start with eliminating himself if overpopulation is a problem , but he won’t..

Space is infinite nigga. Lot of us gonna die out there in the cold void. Someone’s gotta do it. I say more!

It is. The first to die are the ones who have hoarded everything. The great reset.

Space is fake and gay nigger

Its not. And they're not.
They are the most evil people to have ever existed in the entirety of human history.

overpopulation IS the problem
8 billion niggers, chinks and poos is too many.

They are right. Their solutions are wrong though. The ends do not justify the means.

recognizing a problem you don't recognize probably means that you, the less perceptive party, should be the one sacrificed to enrich the soil.


Abort the genetically inferior.

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>4 billion niggers

then they should kill themselves and their families. pretty simple senpai

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Start it off faggot

They're human after all but as so inherently flawed and prone to incompetence

there are 8 billion humans on earth
we need to reduce this number by 90% for humans to have minimum climatological impact
meanwhile, there are only about .8 billion White people on earth
>your population reduction conditions are agreeable

Nonono. There's too many WHITE people, user. Didn't you get the memo?

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Reproduction is a right but there is no will to reproduce so that's tricky

Than they should blow their brains out

It isn't even about climate which is fabricated to continue this culling agenda. It's resources.

They could have got people behind them last century and started fixing the problem if they were directing it at all the countries which produce 60 IQ violent criminals and it was framed as 'it's either us or them'. Also a one child policy could have been forced on India. Unfortunately we're getting the slow sterlization Children of Men timeline or the 'progressive' 1984 eco dystopia with one child policies in the west(whites will obey, niggers will ignore it and be let off from punishment).

if every problem these people promote, also seem to be an entity which generates wealth? will you trust a jew to solve the, problem, if a problem truly exists. the jew will create the problem himself, and then ensure you accept the problem as fact, and also accept his solution, and your taxes will pay for his living.

Mmm. How many of those African countries could sustain populations of that size in the final column, without massive amounts of western aid?

Then they should put their money where their mouths are a neck themselves 1st.

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you think western aid, which is forced through organizations like EU; UN; UNESCO etc truly finds their path to Africa? 90% of it if not more end up in the pockets of the people who started these organizations. Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other families.



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Current carrying capacity of our solar system is in the 100's of trillions. If they instead used their influence to push space colonization instead of population control humanity would be in a much better place.

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If overpopulation whas a problem they would have in invested more into space travel 50 years ago. Having the majority of humanity working on Luna and Mars in undergrpund caves while the high class live on earth would already be implemented

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Most of them cannot sustain themselves now

nuke india and china and the problem is solved

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If it was they would be concentrating on the niggers.

then they should focus on india, china, and africa.

Space is not real. There never was a space except for the very one you are currently experiencing around you

>What if over-population is a problem

There is over-population in relation with the workforce employment and quality of life, the first world has it easy compared to most of the third world countries.

Globally There are too many people, too few jobs and a lot of poverty, many people end up malnourished because they are too poor to buy food.

On the other hand, agriculture output has been increased with the expansion of production towards soils that are not very productive ( the Amazons for example ).

Technology helps to improve the output but there are limiting factors in food production, there cant be an ever expanding increase of yields.

Maltusian Philosophy is not wrong the land has a limited productive capacity, you might apply tech to increase yield but that is done at the expense of higher costs and more consumption of fosil fuels ( a non-renewable resource )

Abrahamic-cucks believe in the moronic idea of stone age reproduction, but the earth does not have unlimited capacity for agriculture and agriculture has its limits.

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>Floods the west with niggers

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We already met our quota with WW1/WW2 and communism. Kill Chinese and Africans instead this time.

>What if over-population is a problem...
Purposeful mismanagement of resources is the problem.


>What if they're right?

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They’re not, less population will drive more people into poverty and starvation.
You will lose the means to support the most vulnerable. You will have less force tackling these problems

I think they are right philosophically, but not morally or ethically, which is why i think the vaccines are gene therapy to mostly sterilize the offspring of the vaccinated. By the time anybody notices the plan, its already complete, everything else is just noise, by 2050 the world population will be


Hitler digs and trips wasted. Go back to good goy infowars, boomer faggots. This one doesn't make any fucking sense.

reduce subhuman population instead of elevating them
that's how you know they are evil

Yeah yeah and humanity is a endless fucking baby put under a baby crypt play area and white people were never smart enough to do it, if i cant see it with my eyes it cant exist yadda yadda yadda.

Kill yourself, Now

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Of course you dont see overpopulation as a problem, you will just eat people again when the food runs out like a real communist

LOL they are starting to roll out massive cuts to nitrogen fertilizer use in every developed country
That's what the farmer protests in the Netherlands are about
Wonder how fast a world wide famine will cull a billion people

they are right. 90% of humans are mindless sheep and they should be killed off so a better world can be created. I'm happy they pushed the vaccine on so many people. I feel hope, actually.

> Food runs out.
Food can easily be generated in large quantities through the proper use of tech, you inbred kike rat.
We live in the age of artificial scarcity.

Yeah thats what i think, i presume they think they are taking the path of less evil by doing what they are doing and it will get us just far enough into the future to get space colonies up and running post 2050, sterilize 90% kill a few hundred million/billion, problem solved,

Maybe they feel if they dont do it, we will get earthlocked, and simply have no resources or no political will to even get space colonies and the first big stellar event will doom the human race to extinction. better than 10 billion dying in nuclear hellfire.

Its all fucked man. It is a real problem though, what do we do with people who just consume and breed and dont produce? its like an infection and not a balance with the planet, a symbiosis.

do you seriously believe it is possible to estimate the human population in 10k BC? use your brain

All jews should be exterminated.
You are parasitic and worthless.
You produce nothing.

It's the jew

im sorry OP but america was always evil. even in 1939 - 1945. did you know that a lack of mass graves in europe has been sighted as 1 glaring problem despite tons of images to the contrary. did you know america has a surplus of mass graves which radio carbon dating does not put in the distant past. infact under obama it has records of ir images showing beneath the surface mass graves growing month to month across america. they used the same tech to see a pyramid under a mountain of sand in the middle east.

some of these are old however. america was going through the great depression. they had to start detaining homeless men. its in historical records. every one wants to pretend hans was manly and killed all those jews but america just made propaganda films with its own homeless men it couldnt afford to feed to allow to run free. america is where the holocaust from history class happened not nazi germany. america was the cool guys killing people not some francy lad who fucked his cousin

If you are a White male of breeding age and you don't have a wife and 3+ children, or aren't in the process of acquiring them, you should be shot.

This. There are so many worthless humans on this planet and the jews choose to attack the only ones who are capable of maintaining this globohomo clusterfuck, thoroughly biting themselves in the ass.

>im sorry OP but america was always evil
You jews are the problem.

>the only ones who are capable of maintaining this globohomo clusterfuck
Nah, the Chinese will do a better job.

Population control can only be justified morally using Nietzschian, Hitlerian type Philosophy and done openly with a clear conscious.
Having eco cultist new world order fags like Klaus determining that people are lesser than him and must have their lineage sterilized sneakily while he gets to live a long fertile life of luxury sticks in the craw.

maybe its about the political will, good fucking luck getting companies and governments to fund space travel when we have 10 billion people affected by famine and resource wars by 2050, any government that even proposes spending money on space instead of free shit, food and energy subsidy and healthcare will be pulled out and lynched by mobs of millions.

i know its a meme, but Any Forums is actually way ahead of the curve on intellect, the average person is as dumb as a rock, we are in deep shit imo.