Can we talk about the fact that not all white people are good?

I was bullied by white rural types when I was young. I grew to hate white rural people.

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K keep me posted nigger lover

Did you ever try not being a pussy faggot?

>I was bullied by white rural types when I was young
probably because youre a pussy lmao

> Can we talk about the fact that not all white people are good?
FACT: 80% of furries are wh*tes

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The drug addict rednecks are insufferable but most are ok outside of that.

because you're a pussy, I've been bullied by rural ken but I know my faults and strengthen myself out of them - you should to faggot.

Nigs come in all colors especially white

Lawless whites are the business of white people alone; not the Frankfurt School, Gramscian infiltrators, race bolsheviks, sex bolsheviks, Zionist interest or international kike terror.

>Be cautious for anti-white psyop agents shilling a false narrative.

>Learn about what’s really going on.
Necessary nigger information
Niggers without camouflage

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furries are retards, literally...all anime fags are
they stopped maturing psychologically during early puberty

Boo hoo suck it up buttercup

Poop hands typed this

Kys kike you were bullied because you’re a tranny Jewish faggot

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>all people can be bad
That doesn't mean we let the mongolians invade....

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Any Forums should just grow up and learn that only 1 person out of 1000 is actually nice. That nice guy can be of any race.



What's your proposal, exterminate all rural whites? Go fuck yourself.

You weren't bullied you faggot, you were hazed and strengthened by your peers. But obviously they failed because you're still a little bitch faggot.

no asshole .. I was bullied because I was good in school. Some goddamned pickup truck driving hicks hated the fact that I tried in school and didn't just slam meth everyday. And they didn't leave me alone.. they bullied me. I am not in a big city away from that meth-addled filith... but is one big reason I want rural america to die from meth or fentanyl or both. Would be a deserving death to those shithole places.

Why be concerned about the pimple on your chin when your legs are rotting off with gangrene?

It's more about "rural" part.
Retards here love to wank at all things rural for some reason, but in the end, there are reason why this quality is associate with simpler mind and lower intellect.
It takes proper upbringing and education for a man to achieve proper sophistication of thought. For a common man, rural environment generally cannot provide it.
Also if american cities are shit it doesn't mean that cities are inherently shit. Concept of urbanization exists for effective consolidation and processing of resources, including human resources, it was always working for every single urban civilization in human history, and it's not this concept's fault that americans used it to consolidate and process niggers and jews.

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pretty much just this and this alone

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I didn't fuck around with lift kids on pickup trucks or slam meth like literally everyone did in the town I was born in. I tried.. but these angry hicks attacked me for trying to improve my life

Of course not all people are good. Odds are you probably aren't either, I can't know. But all life is a competition. It's all about fucking people. You just ought no to fuck your own people as hard. It still happens, unfortunately. Life is a cruel bitch.

>Can we talk about the fact that not all white people are good?
cool it with the anti-semitism OP

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k, separatism is the solution

I just get tired when this place views rural white males as like the end all be all.. rural white america is disgusting from my experience.. incest.. opiates.. meth.. mothers routinely copulating with theirsons or their own grandfathers... I wanted to get out of there and i did. Rural america is poor and filthy and infected.

You probably did something to deserve it, rednecks are friendly in my experience.


Bullies will usually end up being your friend bro, the second you stop being a bitch.

So what stopped you from having a spine or defending yourself? Oh wait you are a fucking pussy who makes excuses and hates being called what you actually are. A God damn cum bubble your mom dropped out her ass. I did amazing at school and got fucked with only once and only once because I beat people into dirt. Don't hear me bitching about being a victim and one of us grew from adversity while the other became a colossal faggot from bullies

You're a liar and a deceiver. You weren't targeted for simply trying hard in school, you were a loud, obnoxious prick who thought they were better than others and acted like a pretentious cunt. Why should we only believe your side of the story? You think you're going to change any minds here? You think you're being slick? You're a deceptive kike and that's the end of it.