This creature emotions rule your life, take a moment to think about that

This creature emotions rule your life, take a moment to think about that

All the feats of technology rational thinking and industrialization brought by high iq intellectual men all of it completely nullified by emotional talking vaginas that lock you on your biological need to coom

Attached: roastie crying over fish.webm (330x586, 2.88M)

Vegans are a minority

not my problem your mama didn't feed you real titty milk and now you're all fucked up. go find your parents to complain.

id fuck her arsehole and stir that salmon in her guts stupid whore

Only vaginas give a shit about the opinions of other vaginas. Their performative virtue dances are hollow and worthless.

Attached: 1652261108145.webm (268x480, 2.9M)

Fake as fuck.

I wish I could break into her kitchen, smash her attention whore face against the microwave glass and steal that salmon after anally raping her with a broken vase.

bro i know that feel

She looks like she is over 30
Vegan diets ruin women

She can die then. Salmon is delicious.

>not skin side down

>Salmon is delicious.
Fucking ew


>end your life because you dont like salmon
bit harsh

I hate retards like this so much it’s unreal

fucking bitch i would love to eat fish, but the jew GMO vaccines as a kid made me allergic


Fucking hell. I like you.

Fucking disgusting.
You should be ashamed of yourself.

Why do women look like this?


>This creature emotions rule your life
tfw 29 year old virgin so no it doesnt rule my life

the final black pill is realizing the game is rigged from the start and you cant do shit about it. enjoy

This poor fish gave its life for you and you repay it with a pathetic tear filled attention collection session parading its corpse instead of eagerly and greatfully consuming its nutrients

Is this what tiktok is? Just people broadcasting their most intimate moments to the world for attention? Is this what we've been reduced to as a people?

Attached: 1621960416778.jpg (1920x1080, 414.17K)


This is what you country sent to represent you internationally

Attached: pol-258 (1).webm (576x1024, 607.41K)

Only subhuman monkey people eat stuff from the water. White men only eat things with hooves. And chicken.

Based german

This creature can vote.

She cooked it pretty well for someone who hasn't made fish in two years. Pretty decent sear.....overlooking fish is like a 30 second window mistake

Christ I fucking hate women

I want to do all those things too but in a parallel universe where everything we say is subtitled en Español at our feet.

air is cleaner than water.
I don't eat fish either.

You are a fucking wog.

Damn I take back what I said

She needs beating. She literally needs a black eye and some choking, then she'd be back to normal and functional in no time.

This is what happens when you don't discipline people, they become governed by their shitty emotions instead of working through problems as humans do.

Shit up and eat your fish, sweetie.

>high iq intellectual men
does are the doctors of the most sickest country in the world who told that poor bitch to eat that parasite and microplastics infested body part of a fish? I'd pass, every turbo autist falls short from the greatest minds of history, all emotional thinkers and philosophers at heart.

Attached: file.png (280x439, 255.4K)