I just watched his debate with Andrew Tate, holy shit Hasan literally decimated that chud

I just watched his debate with Andrew Tate, holy shit Hasan literally decimated that chud.

Attached: Hasan Piker Anti Fascist shirt.jpg (550x640, 144.71K)

Why do you exist, as a country, leafland?
Just to be a faggot on here?

99% of Any Forumsshits would shit their pants if a TVRKBVLL like Hasan approached them.

Nobody cares about andrew tate or Hasan Piker.

Tate is not worshipped by Any Forums and piker is a faggot.

What a fucking loser.

Attached: RobertsRules.png (1702x402, 143.47K)

the one with 1.5 braincells beat the one with 1. Great.

>muh internet studies
>read google doc
uh huh

All he did was make ad hominem attacks because he wasn't going to win the argument and set up Discord so that Tate's mic would be muted whenever he decided to interject.

Both are faggots.

Canadians are so fucking gay. Thanks for paying for my gibs cocksucker.

Have you seen that guy throwing a punch? That guy cannot throw a punch.

i dont know who andrew tate is

the Hasar Beam will crush that chud

Attached: Hasan Piker.webm (640x640, 1.29M)

i hope someone kills hasan piker one of these days. i'd go all the way to cali or turkey to piss on his grave.

Now do Cenk vs Jimmy Dore

>Watched two mentally ill retards fight on camera
user... why?

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don't forget he also conspired with the earlier person who literally just antagonized Tate for an hour. It was a hit job and he still couldn't win

100% of Hasan Pikers would shit themselves if The Candyman approached them.

He subconsciously sides with the feminists because he is self conscious about being a Sandnigger

>omg did you see the eceleb thing where-

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Still waiting for him to fight Sam Hyde.

do people on this site care about parasocial relationships? thought this was a based rmve-ws terrorism board

I hope they both die

Nobody here is a terrorist. We aren't Chechens.

Fuck Hasan

Fuck Tate

Any Forums is not your personal army

I don't see a point why anyone should give a fuck about any of these chuds.

No violence has ever come out this board or any of its users

what the fuck are you talking about? This place is filled with kikes

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They don't count. Neither do the feds

Hasan "I doxxed these old people because they refused to sell me their mansion" Piker couldn't school a rotting potato if he tried; what did he do? Bang his tiny vestigial head into his couch like a monkey?

oh good, the retarded children in my discord whom I try to educate about the jews and shit recently asked me about this Andrew Tate guy. I have no fucking clue who he is, educate us Any Forums

fuck chechens black dogs of putin chabad
lol, but we all discussing here.

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I myself have always wondered if boxing is included in the special Olympics. And if the answer is yes then where does a man place wagers on such an event?

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chechens love mma, i dont know what came first the brain damage or the head injury