Proof Democracy as Failed

The official position of the US president and government is that Russia manipulated voters and democratic mechanisms resulting in Donald Trump winning 2016 and becoming president.

The official position of the European Union and the opposition party of England is that Russia manipulated voters and democratic mechanisms resulting in Brexit.

This is the official position of these groups and it is proof that democracy has failed and it can not be fixed.

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You're right.

>fail once or twice
>this means give up
well now I know why you're here.

If it is that easy to manipulate then we can not and should not trust that any further demographic processes are safe. All previous and future processes must also be scrutinized. Such as the process that lead to every war and the elections of every politician in our recorded democratic histories.

It is safe to say that as time progresses people will get better at manipulating our democratic measures and it is possible they could do it without anyone ever knowing, the election of JFK stands out as one that was never caught.

Essentially you now have to go back and prove that every single democratic process has not been corrupted and that every future one wasn't, which is impossible because of liner progression of skill.

Democracy cannot be trusted and must fall

What? Who cares man. A democracy is made of the people who opt into it. The only losing move is not to play.

To elaborate: people fail, all the time.

Democracy has a way of surviving.. it just adapts over time. It tends to be error-correcting.

This makes no sense in the context of what I've said. Are you saying that we should accept that democracy is flawed and open to manipulation?

>be chud
>not get any pussy
>democracy has failed!!!its society’s fault!!! Its gaappening the end if the world!!!
Women dont owe you se


I'm dating a girl right now. I'm glad that my personal life has nothing to do with the official position of the US government and the European Union.

Democracy is a joke, a Republic is something to strive for.

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yes, utopian thinking is dumb

>The official position of the US president and government is that Russia manipulated voters and democratic mechanisms resulting in Donald Trump winning 2016 and becoming president.
Pretty telling since they have already failed to provide any proof.

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It isn't utopianism to want to know the failure rate of democracy. Which based off what we know now, we can estimate that over half of democratic processes have been manipulated. Resulting in millions of deaths from various wars.

It is proof that progressive factions either lack in introspection or are actively working to break the systems. Probably both.

It's also safe to say that the manipulation of our democracy lead to wars such as Vietnam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan. Essentially you're saying that preventing the deaths of millions of civilians is utopianism.

I have no idea where you're getting your failure rates or what exactly you even mean by failure rate.

The manipulation of democracies is a feature. By voting, I seek to change the outcome of an election. Anyone who has access to my attention can potentially affect my decision here. But it goes both ways. This is the tradeoff you make with any kind of politics where elections take place. We are not guaranteed good or ethical government by any decision we make. We are not guaranteed to have the influence that we may expect to have. We aren't immune to propaganda and political theater such as false flags. So what?

>The manipulation of democracies is a feature.
Proof that by definition democracy doesn't work and should be renamed. You can't prove that your vote isn't being manipulated. You are susceptible to propaganda.

Further more what you're saying makes no sense. If manipulation is a feature of democracy then the government of the most powerful democracy on earth would not be constantly talking about said manipulation and would accept it as normal. They would not be saying that this is dangerous to our democracy because in your incorrect opinion this is a feature, your opinion is incorrect because we observe the most powerful democratic government on earth disagreeing with you.

I'm unsure where your opinion comes from but you're definitely incorrect.