Berlin has now officially fallen

It is now official : Germany has been conquered. The globohomo flag has been raised over the Reichstag, the German parliament. Germany has been successfully Conquered by globalist faggots. You may now proceed S to spit.
If you currently still find yourself residing in Germany, LEAVE now while you still can.

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WWIII will be straight countries vs faggot countries.

So there will be no WW3, Maybe Poland vs everyone else

Leave? Where to? Globohomo is everywhere.

I'm coming to save you bros I swear

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Good. So faggot Russia vs faggot Ukraine isn’t the harbinger of WWIII.


The same ideology once flew in 1922.

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Berlin fell in 1945, this is just the latest humiliation ritual.

Western goverments have all been infilitrated by foreign agents who use these "soft" tactics to demoralize the population. This is hybrid warfare.

Yeah, but in the Weimar Republic, the fag flag never flew over the Reichstag building, and trannies never went beyond the experiments that (((Magnus Hirschfeld))) was conducting at his institute.

Looks like I'm officially German

The most important think in the world, the basic human right, ass fucking and being a junkie.

Fuck ..Imagine being born into a Universe where the bad guys are this uncool. Its literally faggot trannys with dildos up their assholes. I mean when they make the movie "The Faith of Earth" they aliens are going to leave the theater while muttering about "fucking unreal" and those fucking right-wing-agenda-script-writers have gone off the fucking rails.

didn't that gay bath house burn down in 1933?

>Weimar again.
Neat, hopefully we'll have a decent country again in 11 years, just like the last time.

They didn’t have their flag yet

Troons were still there and being promoted. Even in the US that picture of the tranny GI that gets posted constantly was a thing

They had fucking kiddie brothels, it was even worse. We haven’t gotten to that point yet at least thank God.

In 1922 "LGBT" would have been placed in mental asylum and fed haloperidol.

Not Weimar at all, it's just 1968.

This. Everything is so fucking gay