Why does america suck at war?

USA, 31yo, Luke Lusyszyn,
>police officer, veteran
USA, 52yo, Bryan Young
>gulf war veteran
USA, 52yo, Stephen Zabielski
>gulf war veteran
USA, 22yo, Willy Joseph Cancel
>former marine
USA, 50yo, Grady Kurpasi
>gulf war veteran
USA, 55yo, Mark Gregory Paslawsky,
>volleyball enthusiast

Attached: dead american mercenaries.jpg (491x492, 205.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

USA, 31yo, Luke Lusyszyn,
USA, 52yo, Bryan Young
USA, 52yo, Stephen Zabielski
USA, 22yo, Willy Joseph Cancel
USA, 50yo, Grady Kurpasi
USA, 55yo, Mark Gregory Paslawsky,


>Why does america suck at war?
Because war isn't about winning for us. Its about prolonging it for as long as possible to feed the military industrial complex

And now they burn in hell.


Nobody gives a shit about dead Slavs. Heatwave is flavour of the month now

oh no! anyway...

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well, it's not much, but it's a start!

Imagine being so cucked that you support a literal puppet state run by low iq subhuman savages executing your countrymen

I don't care. These fools were brainwashed by the lugenpresse. They got what they deserved.

You're talking to Ivans using VPNs

And absolutely nothing of value was lost.


not my problem

I wish Russia killed every last person in the entire US military. Don't care if you like it. Seethe.
Try again, zogbot.

I somehow doubt Alpro paid for that product placement

>6 Americans dead for 50k Russians
Based. Hope we can make this trade again

Most of them are in their 50's, not exactly the finest example of warfighters. Plus, the full might of the Russian military is at a near standstill with our bored gen x'ers, so as far as I can tell we're doing alright.

Those look very americano

clown merc tombstone..

Attached: gardensofstone.jpg (647x337, 43.09K)


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>ukrainians are not human and not counted

I remember it. The US getting overwhelmed easily, panicking and asking for everything they could gather to save their asses.
Almost everything type of planes the US have came to help.

Attached: Combat veteran mutt.jpg (1240x827, 281.36K)

Hahahaha rest in piss

Attached: rip-bozo-smoking (1).gif (220x212, 758.98K)

>If you don't support your enemy then you're a cuck
Your Silver Star is in the mail, Private Shekelstein.