Why do we not see undeniable physical miracles?

Virtually all ancient religions describe people witnessing undeniable miracles. Why do we not see them anymore?

Have you ever seen a resurrection? Spontaneous Healing? Spontaneous blind-man-seeing? Spontaneous cripples cured? Flying? Pillars of fire? Incredible, superhuman feats?

What gives? Were all of the ancients in every culture simply liars? Were all of them being metaphorical? Or has something else changed?

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has to do with how aliens updated protocols on interference with our species

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your an atheist larpagan jew, prayer cured my cold after four days so that proves the god of abraham is real

We do. Just look up the Miracle of the Sun, witnessed by tens of thousands of people, and fedora tippers just go nope, mass hallucination.
Miraculous healings happen all the time, people with advanced cancer who are suddenly 100% fine, and it just gets dismissed as a fluke.

>Why do we not see undeniable physical miracles?

Eat some magical mushrooms and you will start seeing magic and miracles.
Drugs are magic.
Some believe Bible was inspired not by Holy spirit but by good quality hashish.
You cannot proof that Bible autors did not smoke, snif, drink for inspiration.

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>has to do with how aliens updated protocols on interference with our species
We got advanced enough that other supposed denizens of the Galaxy/Universe placed a "do not disturb" decree on us?

Listen fuckface. I believe in God. My last sentence in the OP implies that.

I've even prayed for people on the mission field. One man claimed that the pain in his leg went away. But the mind can be a powerful thing. I've never seen someone spontaneously heal, like from the door of death to "what's up you guys" - there's no video of that happening to anyone anywhere, either. I've never seen someone defy physics itself by floating/being soaked in flame/running faster than a chariot/arising from the grave.

Getting cured of a cold does not require prayer.

Not a mass hallucination. If you went outside and stared directly into the sun, religiously, for any considerable amount of time, you would see shit. Color swirls, imprints of the sun dancing everywhere, flashes of light, dancing, etc. If everyone around you did the same thing, they would to. Or would that definitely not happen? Also Marianism is very fishy.

Crossing the Red Sea was a drug vision?

Lazarus rising from the grave was a drug vision?

Healing a blind man/cripple/etc on the spot was a drug vision?

Moses/Jesus/Paul are made up?

The ground doesn't go from a bog to perfectly dry and people's clothes from sopping to dry in 5 minutes either. But those whose minds are set on disbelieving will rationalise away everything.

God doesnt act directly. He works through the prayers of believers and faith (see manifestation, meme magic, etc, for identical non-christian concept).
Miracles still happen but people with smartphones usually have a stratified cause-effect mentality that precludes sincere faith and so you dont get many videos.
Those few you get end up on /x/ and get called fake and gay, and even there you'll find interest only in sinister happenings, nothing miraculous.
Lastly, its much easier to find faith in miraculous coincidences than it is to telekinetically move even small objects so those you work yourself can usually be explained as luck. The only thing you'll really see is healings and small things like feeding large crowds out of small pots, and those primarily happen in religious settings. And not the rich, televised ones, either.

Checked and yes they were liars, obviously.
This doesn’t mean God isn’t real but no one knows him or what happens after death for sure

Well anybody that still believes in that is called crazy or schizo. There are still things that can't be explained, that occur.

Unfortunately they've brainwashed people into being complacent little cattle, and not teaching them how magik works.

What do you call this then?

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>We got advanced enough that other supposed denizens of the Galaxy/Universe placed a "do not disturb" decree on us?
From listening to Bob Lazar, I suspect the ayys have a lot of neat stuff but they don’t have nukes, which makes them a little wary of us. They had lots of of abundant super heavy isotopes on their planets that they got good at bending gravity, but they never discovered fission. Technology isn’t a straight line like in a Civilization game.

I was hit head on by a drunk driver doing like 60mph...

No idea how i'm still alive

>dude lazarus lmao

jesus leans a dead body that rotted for 3 days and stunk according to his daughter who said they shouldnt do it because he stinks. it moans because gasses build up. he never walks never says a coherent word .and its 1 time. not constantly after that .its the bibles actual words used against your faggy cult you built around stories you never read

if thats all lazarus did then thats all jesus did

Check out some of the eucharistic miracles.

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There's all those magicians who levitate and walk on water and shit Dynamo is especially spooky.

Because so many turned from God. But also because miracles are done daily in secret. The Lord comes as a thief in the night, if you aren't looking for Him you wont see Him. But, you need proof, right? Blind faith is not commanded anywhere in the Bible, to the contrary there many stories written within it of men challenging God for proof, with a righteous heart, and being rewarded for their audacity. So, you need proof? Read the Bible, scoff at what's written all you want but take heed of the things that Jesus said, put them into practice, earnestly, and you will see your proof.

I used to see miracle all the time.

Pray to God that you wanted to see miracle or a sign, and He will show you.

I am being serious. not memeirony etc etc

>Though ideally you should pray to God that you wanted to be guided to the right path / correct way

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Why not anymore? I see them daily, hourly even.

It's funny, because if you just look with the right mindset God sends undeniable proof of the supernatural.

Anyways, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ at the hands of Pontius Pilate is one of the most well-attested events in all antiquity, and there are three strong inductive historical arguments supporting the Ressurection as well, which have to do with the empty tomb, the eyewitness sightings of Jesus, and the origin of the Christain faith, which was anathema to the Jews at the time.

Anyways, I know there's a lot of stuff out there about how Jesus was a myth, or various other theories. They're all based on pseudo-science, shoddy archeology, or debunked hypotheses, i.e., the disciples stole the body, apparent death etc.

At the end of the day, Jesus definitely existed, and there are some key facts about his life that we know for sure, even more certainly than Ceasar or Plato or other figures who everyone knows existed.

Even wikipedia is forced to admit:

Virtually all scholars of antiquity accept that Jesus was a historical figure, and attempts to deny his historicity have been consistently rejected by the scholarly consensus as a fringe theory.[6][7][8][9][10]


So this brings us to the famous trilemma posed by C.S. Lewis: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

It has to be one of the three, there's literally no other option. Only you can decide what you believe in the end. Jesus fought the power, never hurt anyone, and was wrongfully murdered in one of the most brutal and painful ways ever devised - crucifixion.

For me, that's the God I want. Even if the whole thing is fake, which all scholars agree it's not, I'd still follow Jesus, just because what we know about his life was so cool.

New Two Witnesses Prophecy just dropped:
