Make your choice, white man

Make your choice, white man.

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All of the above.

Those are men

My power tools

Feeling threatened, discord tranny?

Attached: 2EF9647C-07FF-4CA9-BC32-7E4B8AF58C59.jpg (828x1013, 664.53K)

Already did

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i couldn't love a white woman if i tried

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You and those dudes you posted will never be real women.

She is mighty proud of that ass - but don't look at it pervert

those are men

Uhm... based?

3DPD never

The ass is always usually a weakness for Asians, so when a rare perfect specimen appears, it must be admired. You are witnessing a unicorn

They are fucking same, show me human looking woman or nigress.


I'll take the one on the alt-right.

I fucking love Finnish girls.

The superiority of the Bjork race

Based and Bjork pilled

Lmao look at those Mongolian rape babies.

>picking between two kinds of 3D

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every asian woman i ever dated had an amazing ass. they need only do squats to achieve a level of perfection even a black woman could not touch.

ugly they looks like like spics

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now this is the start of the perfect harem

kek ngmi