Tucker Carlson was right

It’s not Jews that ruined the west; it’s white liberal women. White liberal women brainwashed many men to vote Democrat; they’re using sex as a tool to get what they want. Just look at Hunter Avallone. Used to be a conservative and now he’s far left extremist all because he married a white liberal girl with whom he had kids out of wedlock. Giving women voting rights was a huge ass mistake.

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And who created white liberal women?

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No actually it's jews

Literally nobody changes how they vote for pussy, if they even vote at all

who do you think trained those women and fed them propaganda for years? the joo

If Jews created white liberal women why are they unsuccessful with so many men? It’s because most men are prone to Jewish bullshit propaganda while women are emotional creatures easy to manipulate. Now liberal women have fully embraced the Jewish agenda and they’re fat more successful than Jews ever hoped to be.

That line of reasoning is antisemitic

I stopped reading after
>it’s not Jews that ruined the west

>this inbreed faggot incel thinks woman are bad because he is an incel
fuck off faggot
woman were great before the kikes subvert them
imagine your wife hates nigger and has 4-5 aryan children with you absolutely heaven
but op is a faggot and would rather get fucked by a nigger than having his own wife

You misspelt fpbp.

Capta: Verification not required.

Which came first, the jewish hen or the egg?

ur goddamn right, white liberal women are just too powerful give up now

You’re retarded. Women don’t know anything

original jews were based. Now, they are corrupted and they likely aren't the same bloodline.

fuck off retard jew
who do you think made liberal woman
you kike inbreed dicklet bitch
who do you think is behind liberalism?

>Hunter Avallone. Used to be a conservative and now he’s far left extremist all because he married a white liberal girl
No? It’s because he tried to debate Vaush and got BTFO so badly that he changed his views.

The Jewish hen.
You have to know that back in the day, when female sufferage was starting to be a thing in the US, one of the biggest opponents to female sufferage were women themselves. They knew that they didn't have the responsibility at the time to make these huge decisions.
So the Jewish hen came first, definitely.

You mean Shield Maidens?

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It's just white liberals, and it was mainly men that fucked it up

What political solution is there to the problem of feminism and gynocentrict society?

Should handmaidens stop being a larp meme and become reality?