
>THE drug gold standard for more than 100 years
>romanticized, mystified, glorified like no other drug

Will we ever be rid of it?

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Yep. Soon as syrupy sweet titty meat stops being a delicious treat

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Dope sickness is no joke


Yeah no shit Sherlock. Nothing is more well researched than being pulled from the warm titties of the goddess.

it's the gold standard of addiction, bad news bears.

That's like with the fags. If you dont start to kill them. You will never get rid of it.

You on heroin bro?

I know the high.

We have, it's all fentanyl now.

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Thought the taliban were burning those poppy fields

Explain it to me

Nobody even sells heroin anymore it’s all fent analogs

Doing drugs today is fucking scary.

Its good stuff man, it just needs to become legal and regulated.

Been sober since 2010 bro
If i can do it anyone can

Like hydrocodone, if you've ever had your wisdom teeth pulled or have ever broken a bone.

It hits you instantly if you shoot it, and it is very very strong. It will feel like pins and needles all over your body, itching like hell. Then it's like you have a whole body orgasm that is x10000 stronger than a conventional one. This will kill you if you take too much

It's like being wrapped in a warm blanket fresh out of the drier, no pain, no depression, no negative sensations are even possible

Now youre addicted and will be sick like the flu until your next dose. You will want to comit suicide constantly, lose all of your family and friends, become a thief, cheater, liar, killer. Whatever you have to do to get that next fix. Have fun

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Withdrawal is even scarier

we already are. There's only fentanyl available now.

If there is a better drug god kept it for himself

I'm an alcoholic who went to rehab twice during the pandemic. The amount of zoomer fentanyl addicts there was rather alarming.
Met a 19 year old kid who had OD'd and had 911 called to save his life more than a couple times.
Fentanyl makes heroin look not so bad but it is.
My roomie was a 20 year heroin junkie who went to rehab because he was terrified of fentanyl.
And its all coming from the spic cartels who get it from Chyna.

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Is this whole thing merely a matter of cheaper to produce? Or is something more insidious going on here? as in Opium Wars 2 0, China's revenge?

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No heroin for me thanks. I don't want to live a double life of pleasure zombie / desperate scumbag until I accidentally kill myself.

homegrown opium for me
opium poppy does great on the prairies
then i know whats in it
plus shooting is dangerous

No, because smack is fucking great. That’s what you anti drug faghots just don’t understand and can’t contemplate. It really just is that good. Oxy, Fentanyl try to be it, but really thats just more of an attempt to satiate the addiction then get the high plus a lot cheaper an easier to get than heroin. It will never be rid of.

>Opium Wars 2 0, China's revenge
This, but I don't think it's intentional. Just the way things are. I could be wrong, but I think fent is waaay cheaper/easier to produce than heroin.

I knew two different guys who died of fent OD. And these guys came from absolutely saintly, loving, middle class families. They just went off to college to "do their own thing" and stopped coming to church, and bam that was it. That shit is pure evil.

Damn now I want to do heroin

Yes, Say "Thanks Fentanyl"

>thinks heroin is romanticized
>alcohol commercials every 5 minutes on talmudvision
>every (((movie))) that isn't a kids movie has alcohol in it

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What do you do? Score the pods, collect the gum and then what? Boil it?

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they felt the need to use overkill so as not to single out and offend the 41%ers.

I mean, it's pretty good, better and clearer than morphine

You need the stuff pure enough to smoke, though

Less addictive than cigarettes

I'd recommend not using it more than once a week

I'd love to smoke opium out of a long pipe with a chinaman on the other end keeping it lit.