What is the usa gonna do in Africa?

Why do we need an army there?

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Niggers tongue my anus.

China has set up multiple military camps and even bases that could missile strike the US coast with ICBMs due to their proximity.
Probably that.

Africa has over 100 trillion worth of natural resources which is 100% controlled by China right now.


your lgbt army just asking for their constitutional right to be gangbanged by BBC

Proxy endless wars in africa when

>african americans finally getting revenge on the bhantu

it has begun

when I was in the CIA back in the 70's we'd just overthrow African governments for fun.

Congrats mike
You will fit perfectly over in Africa
Bring your family over with you

Africom has been around since the Bush administration.

Most of the nigs in the US are bantu descendants from West Africa. Why do you think African warlords wanted to get rid of them in the first place?

I hate niggers so fucking it's unreal

Based Biden sending a nigger back to Africa.

Black on black violence
it never ends

he will send seal team 6 on a search for yakub.

Import that all important BBC. It's the Marine's top priority to secure as much black cock as possible. Hoorah!

To fuck over china when the time comes.

>We need an army of, oh, say 35 million Afreakan ‘muricans to go over there and help they brothas, like, permanently.

More recently, because we have agreements with some African nations to aid in combating Islamist terrorism.

Preemptive buck breaking. Being led by a broken buck.

Idk what the plan is but black people in leadership positions usually leads to corruption. They are easy to buy. You could get this guy to slaughter women and children in Africa 10x easier than you could a white guy.

Several reasons.
First agreements to fighting terrorist groups.
Second, and more importantly, as a challenge to China.
Third, Congress just quietly pushed a bill that says the US government needs to use more force and spying on Africans and African diaspora willing to make deals with Russians and communists.
This is basically a show of force to fuck with China and also to establish that the US is going full cold war 2, prepping for proxy wars and threatening people to not go commie/socialist

ZOG military must control all continents of the world

There are battery tech raw minerals all over Africa.