Wtf is wrong with burgers?

Why do you let children work in such horrible conditions and be groomed so often?

Attached: 0C66CA96-F5C5-4E99-96D8-245DAB48AA51.jpg (1170x1411, 902.36K)

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at least it keeps them off the streets and out of trouble

Bet they're all illegals.

damn how much they paid?
Yong Chong China

Hyundai just hired a 12 yo that just flew over my house

I'm all for child labor
Imagine dropping out in 5th grade with an education that can satisfy production/manufacturing skills.
You'd have a 8 year financial head start on highschool graduates who will end up doing the same job.

>At a subsidiary owned by Hyundai
>No comment from Hyundai so far

Lol based gooks

Kids will learn more at a car factory than at a public school. Get them some real world skills.

>damn how much they paid?
If they're chinks, pennies a day.

Child labor is good.

I'm willing to bet $100 American dollars boomers are 100% responsible.

you capitalists' pigs always thinking about the money. who cares how much they make. working in the Hyundai factory gives them valuable life experience

I bet $20 that all these kids are illegals that were captured at the border the subsequently released and bussed a crossed the country

>nobody’s willing to work anymore
These kids are amazing

Jews. One of many reasons why they demand infinity shitskins flood America

Why do you think they keep shipping illegals here? Slavery never ended.

based responsible working kids

> 13
> 21
Did they mix up the ages here?!

kikes and spics running child slave labor in America... we should let more of them into our nation, it'll be fine.

Attached: image_2022-07-22_175552070.png (578x502, 45.57K)

so this is what pedopete is doing with the bussed in illegals?

We used to have separate paths for retards in school that diverted them to trade schools and other workforces more suited for their mental insufficiency. Nothing wrong with doing these roles as not every human, even given extra special attention to their education, will ever be capable of achieving over a certain level of proficiency.

Don't insult trades nigger. 10 months of LPN school netted me a 60k a year job doing absolutely nothing while my biology degree is actually worthless.

Beaner make the best slaves.