Let's talk about the vax

Story time.

I unironically made my schizo conservative friend get the J&J shot by guilt tripping him and telling him he was selfish to not get it ("dude people are dying because of this shit and you're spreading it... Be a man and take it!") Lots of back and forth convos like that. He's technically crippled (only has one arm) and his dad died a few years ago so I felt I needed to the be the voice of reason (he's 26). Anyways he finally gave in but he ended up running a 106 fever for 5 days and even now he tells me he can't taste pizza or ice cream still but he's adjusted. He got the shot last October. No, I haven't admitted this to anyone, and no I don't feel bad about it. I was there to help him and my intentions were good.

Personally idc if it messed him up a little, he was brave and did the right thing. I was brave and also did the right thing. Any Forums will never understand and I'm sure you will demonize me but I genuinely believe the vaccine saves lives and I had to do what was right. If you haven't gotten vaccinated yet you really should.

>inb4 troll, bait


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You are already dead.

Still here but okay. Not sure you'll be able to say the same in 5 years if you aren't vaccinated

This story never happened. Nice bait though.

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If you were wiser you'd realize that you were lied to by people who want you to die.



i bet it was real in your head shlomo
not taking it, thats all

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vaccines are profits paid to by governments to private corporate pharmaceutical companies. The bill and Melinda gates foundation gave shit tons of money to chinese companies to manufacture an oral polio vaccine which gave 500,000 children non-polio acute paralysis.
Of course polio is spread through poop infested swimming spots (india for you)
I don't know why you want to sponsor a fascist employment of mandated healthcare, maybe you are just an NPC, op.

>compassionate doctors and scientists who are smarter than/pol/tards want me dead

Do you ever get tired parroting this nonsense? Really hope you're vaccinated btw

Yeah you're a low life piece of shit

Get aids cancer and die in a gutter

Now I'm glad you killed yourself. Your suicide raised the world average IQ.

>I genuinely believe the vaccine saves lives

And yet all you've actually seen with your own eyes is the vaccine destroying one. The demoralization was completely long ago. You are a drone who laps up the propoganda and does what you're told and that's that. You can keep telling yourself it's for X or Y reason that isn't you being a coward, but the fact you are posting here at all is enough proof otherwise. Good luck, dumbass.

How am I a lowlife? My friend who I love was being stupidly stubborn and I'm one of the only ones in his life anymore so I had to protect him.

You're the kind of person he was getting his advice from prior. He's completely on board with the vaccine now.

>muh suicide by vaccine


Big pharma have been found to sell shit that damaged and killed people for years, all prescribed by your "compassionate" doctors.
1. Doc don't know shit. They are roe learners spoon fed by big pharma
2. For profit medicine is corrupt af

> megalomaniacal psychopaths who have stated repeatedly that they want to cause global depopulation to stop climate change
want you dead

>How am I a lowlife?
Because you interfere in the lives of others to their detriment. You just explained this yourself.

You didn't want to feel alone in your shit decision so you manipulated your "friend" who is now vaccine damaged. And you don't even feel bad about it. A low iq npc piece of shit.

>*rote learners

that was really some sage advice!