White people choose this

White people choose this

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Rarefag, fuck wh*Toids

there's a christmas island?

you should be shot if you choose to put your kid through this

Weaker animals get eaten alive. It’s nature and nature is god’s creation


>when that chimp brain kicks in

My white family did that to me when I was a kid when I was bad, so it makes sense.
Maybe she wants to copy me. I wish people would stop doing that.

Don't you fucking faggots get it yet? This is the very thing that's turning Whites into extremists. Instead of course correcting and being like, "Whoa, maybe we should slow down on the whole diversity agenda because it's upsetting our Ponzi scheme," you doubled-down and went full retard. Shit like this is good. It's the only thing that is going to connect Whites to a primal survival instinct.

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Endangered species.

> Instead of fighting back, just run away
Very based indeed!

it's funny just a few decades ago these 'people' had 0 rights. Oh how far we've come

its where santa vacations

but they're only 'strong' because they have state protection

africa tier thinking
meanwhile the rest of the world invented civilization millenia ago
hope you someday will have the mudhut you so desire

natural selection, about time whites cull some of our lesser stock

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$22/hr to be a school bus driver.
Why doesn't anyone want to work anymore?

The only reason blacks aren't still slaves is whites let them go. It's not like there was a black revolution or rebellion. They just became less profitable than machinery.
If it wasn't for that they'd still be slaves

is that where santa and the elves are???

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It used to be funny watching nigger webms, but now it's getting increasingly scary because more and more african refugees moved into my town.

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Holy shit so many people don't have that fighting spirit now. She could have wrecked that sheboon by grabbing her weave and yanking her down into the space between the seats and pummeling the fucking shit out of her with her superior size.
That nigger could have been destroyed so easily, just fucking fight back.

She knows she can't hit back or she'll be called a racist and have any chance of a job taken away. Hopefully she has fully awakened and will avoid niggers in the future.

Niggers are self-destructive. They will keep pushing until whatever they're pushing cuts their limbs off.

I had basically the same thing happen to me in like 1995 in southern California.

>not in my country
>not in my state
>not in my county
>not in my yard
>not in my room
>now im fucked

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this + based + marry my daughter

Jews will neuter you if you even think of rising up.

I bet the white girl will still support blm and maybe even poop out a lil tyrone.

Don't be a coward. Niggers are pussies, pack animals. If you just defend yourself and don't hold back you will destroy them. It's the only language they understand and respect. Niggers are afraid of "crazy white boys".

You've just committed a hate crime and ruined your life because of some niggers anger management issues. Based.

Most definitely

Economic collapse and war is inevitable.
You will flee or die.

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>"just sit there and let the nigger beat you"





Lol, today a nigger got cought without a ticket on public transport in my town, he was making a scene after they escorted him out and gave him a fine. I imagined knocking him out in front of everybody.

Don't pity her. She and her parents are leftist. They deserve to be mauled by their own animals.

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Start giving the death penalty for violent crimes and the nigger problem vanishes in a year.

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Awesome book. Expensive for a hardcover.

I seriously at at the end,she was gonna get shot lol

Send this to her father, if he doesn't kill at least 15 members of her family she deserves it

because the white fem comes from a healthy background shielded from the jungle most of her childhood otherwise she would be swinging back

This. If anything, they'll just enact another police shooting a nog and everyone will kneel.

i seem to remember people being forced by the united states army at bayonet point.
tell me again how we chose this?

Absolutely useless. I bet she kneeled last summer and sang the song of saint floyd. Serves her right. Nothing like a good dose of reality.

If you fight back, she wins.

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take out a pen and stab thee fucking monkey

Look at that!

>White people choose this
80% of whites were opposed to desegregation.

US army soldiers were polled and said they'd rather lose ww2 than abolition segregation. it was forced upon them.

>White people choose this
White people don't get bailed by Schlomo & Shekelstein.

Why da fuck she didnt swang back at her. sheeit

Which one?