Pass the power!

Pass the power!

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Since fighting back makes me a glowie

They never want the responsibility that comes with it though.

Hey jew.
Pass the power.

this is racist as fuck

americans really don't see anything wrong with ads like this?

In exchange for what?

Insipid and Insufferable.


>give us free shit we won't even attempt to earn


This is the UK.

If they any of these in the bus stops in my area I'll burn it and post the pics


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Do we have to give EVERYTHING to shitskins!? From the wheel to what WAS fully functional civilization? I goddamn hate jews so much it is fucking unreal.

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no you won't

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Why should I pass the power that I've earned. Just because you were too stupid to earn it yourself, you expect me to give up mine? Fuck off.

Yes, yes, whites have so much privilege that is why Google, Microsoft, cocacola, every car insurance company, pepsi, and every other corporations support diversity.

They want my shitty warehouse job that much?

Lol, lmao!

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Who's going to stop me kike? There's nobody around at 3am and oh this jerry can that I'm filling up a couple of towns over? That's just spare for my motorbike!
They don't put signs like these up in my area though unfortunately, I've been looking out

“Hey straight White men, let us subjugate and replace you in the society you built and continue to hold together!”

Yeah, I’m thinking no.