Mississippi choose to ending school shootings

Mississippi just got one step closer to ending school shootings!
Never been a shooting on an open carry campus

Give the kids their rights back
Ban gun free zones!!!

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Very based and unexpected

Your safety has always been your own responsibility. If you give the state your rights in exchange for security, you are a dog and bred to be enslaved.


What is your move now FBI? Can't send retards in with guns when Cletus and Stacey-Ann can pop a womp rat from fitty meters. Better get your terry plots going again.

Jesus eats shit for breakfast and sucks black cum out of niggers who have aids

why hello there rabbi

Oh great so when a mall cop turned school security has a bad day, he can just pull the guns he’s allowed to have in the building on the kids and mow them down.
The solution is NOT to put guns in the hands of the “Good Guys”, the solution is to BAN GUNS!!!!!

My uncles and father grew up going to school when you could store your hunting rifle in a locker and nobody would bat an eye.

opinion discarded

Coward detected, opinion discarded


oy, you got a loicense to be on the webby?

Good. Might as well even the odds, since criminals don’t care about the laws anyways.

They’ll just false flag elsewhere

Anyone who attended a public school can attest that giving teachers a gun is a fucking retarded idea. Those whackjobs shouldn't even be employed let alone carrying a weapon.

I'd remove the age limit too. nothing in the constitution about being a certain age to bear arms.
4 year old criminals in the ghetto carry guns

Shut up liberal

bad bait
weak shill
kill yourself

Now when your kids are brainwashed to be nigger loving faggots who mutilate their genitals you can rest easy knowing that their gay teacher is armed when they're molesting them. USA USA USA

you have the children carrying that way if some groomer teacher puts up a fag flag in the classroom or starts in with the White People Bad thing, they can be executed right there and then.

do you actually think she owns a gun?

Attached: tiktok-2.jpg (800x600, 81.03K)

>letting racist whites in positions of power carry guns around majority black schools

This is only going to lead to black and brown people being butchered

>Mrs. Grillingworth
hmmm leopard print shirt and a nose ring that right there is a dead giveaway she's a psycho.

Assuming she could pass the load of bullshit she supported in order to get a gun, yes.

niggers and beaners can have guns there's no IQ test to buy one.

The feds won't waste their time sending assets to hard targets, just recently one of their assets got clipped at the mall because they weren't expecting armed resistance to take them out before causing more casualties.

we can only hope

minors can't have guns

Nice try FBI. Care to tell use where they will false flag.