Why were some many American faggots so anti-mask?

Why were some many American faggots so anti-mask?

I got down to distrust with government but I am not satisfied with that answer.

This is coming from a faggot that lives in an Asian society and that that Asian society is quite very strict when it comes to rules.

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The concept of being forced to used something that isnt even proven to work is absolutely ludicrous, and the fact so many just "did as theyre told" is worrisome

Asians are collectivist while Americans are hyper-individualistic even if it meant harming themselves.

>This is coming from a faggot that lives in an Asian society and that that Asian society is quite very strict when it comes to rules.

You're a third world SEA nigger.

The apes in the zoo get all riled up when the keeper has a new shirt color.
So who knows, it's random with these creatures.

Maybe if they would stop eating dogs they wouldn’t need masks

I know, the virus just floats out of the saliva,
and then quantum tunnels into the throat of someone else.

Because I don't need to wear one and arbitrary rules are gay.

Why are you calling white people creatures? Are you retarded?

gas yourself untermensch

Attached: maskfags.jpg (1024x726, 166.87K)

Because it's nonsense that doesn't work. You Asians are a superstitious people.

Didn't wanna wear it. Didn't wear it. Still never gonna wear it. Simple as.

Again, no proof that masks (other than n95s) worked

Because when presented with some subjective useless rules such as masking people are going to question the reason behind it. Simple as.

>This is coming from a faggot that lives in an Asian
You were maskcucks before it was trendy. At least you acknowledge you're a faggot. They don't work. You're also retarded.

If you are sick you should wear
A mask out of respect
If youre not sick you shouldnt
Wear a mask
Why is this so difficult you dumb

>1 post by this ID

Because I am not an Asian pussy afraid from the flu.

Stop acting like n95s do anything. Anything less than a sealed suit with its own oxygen supply is pointless

I just don't like wearing one cause its hard to breathe in, I get sweaty, and it hurts my ears :(

Because the American Right are retarded sheep. One person says thing bad, and everyone on the right needs to fall in line like a lemming. I like masks because it keeps me anonymous in real life. I swear if a prominent right winger came out tomorrow and said eating shit was based and redpilled, by the end of the week everyone on the right would be eating shit and defending it to death.

Attached: CC43B577-F58B-49EB-B104-3A73127D8A47.jpg (1080x1319, 185.27K)

What does this mean, if you don't mind my asking?

Same. After a while, it gets fucking annoying and I use that fucking with all its might.

Oh, so that's what Seanigger meant. Southeast Asian nigger. I was always wondering why ED called Filipinos Seaniggers. Now I know. Thanks user.

She looks deformed.

>even the most high quality masks can still let the virus through
>most people can't even wear them properly anyways so then they do nothing
>restricts breathing
>wearing for long periods is actually more dangerous than possibly catching covid
You can fuck off with trying to torture me with a fucking mask