This is surreal

These zoomers are each 17 and 19 pretty boys and they are literally millionaire celebrities and they are virgins too afraid to talk to girls. How has society reached this point?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-22 at 17.25.15.png (2546x1141, 1.56M)

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Women got equal rights and became uncontrollable whores. These guys are only successful because they didnt let modern women destroy them.

bump, I need answers, especially from americans.


There's a new feminist movement that says you can't fuck a guy in a position of power.
The power level of the guy forces the girl into fucking him.
So now it's considered sexual assault or rape and the girl will team up with some feminist website and write about her experience and it will destroy your career.

We are already in the rat trap
The sink has already started and were seeing the Beautiful ones and the fighters

If you wish to survive you must escape to new pastures before your sense of self and community is completely eroded away


If you hit on a woman, you may
A) get accused of attempted rape
B) pick up a cute girl's number

You wanna roll those dice? Be my guest. Women's "rights" were a grievous error.

Attached: Florence_finnegan.jpg (250x143, 4.57K)

Lets just ignore the part where the shirtless bald guy tells an underaged girl he would fuck her.

but they are MILLIONAIRE CELEBRITIES. They have hundreds of girls in their DMs and they are too scared too pursue them. It's just that they have literally zero confidence, they say it themselves.

I made it 6 minutes. To Tate's credit, he at least managed to make 1 solid point during that stretch.

They bypassed attrition and discipline, to be successful. simple as. there fact that the Tate brothers literally siphoned KFC chicken from discarded buckets in their early 20s, showed the endured genuine struggle, before becoming rich. That pink haired weirdo was such a weenie and Hasan is such a "internet studies/empirical data" bitch.

>muuuuuhhh underage
Age of consent is 15 in Greece. Average age of marriage was 15 in Byzantium for women.

Wealth is not relevant to how badly women and courts will fuck you. If anything they should be more nervous on account of their wealth, money attracts gold-digging whores who seek to destroy and rob you.

>eceleb bullshit
Honestly, somebody tell me why anyone would watch 3 dudes sitting around talking about nothing of value?

im watching this cause i recently found out tate and i've been binge watching him.

Its interesting to see a zoomer mindset but yeah it's ultimately a waste of time. I guess the only thing you can get out of it is the realization that it's actually quite easy to get younger girls, even if you're not a pretty boy with money, just because zoomer males are all gay cowards.

Though I think it's good these guys will suffer. Either they're forced to change something, either the system or themselves(which in turn, changes the system because they're still part of it), and a lot of this weakness we see simply dies out.

Why not watch TRS or AmRen stuff? Why bother with these weird youtubers who grift for the 'internet friend' bucks? Talking about picking up girls? Jesus Christ.
I realize it's hard out there for young men. I'm sorry relationships are a bitch these days. But find a woman to marry. Settle down ASAP. It's the only way to get on with your life. Chasing pussy without commitment is a huge fucking time sink, and it goes nowhere.
Focus on marriage and children. Any talk of 'game' and all that shit is coming from immature weirdos who put pussy on a pedestal. In the meantime, develop a burning hatred for jews and their golem by listening to something of more substance.

Money may get you a woman who is looking for money, but in a relationship like that she's not really yours. It doesn't matter that these guys are rich or famous. That's just something women will target and siphon, and very possibly steal, because they can. Because the courts let them get away with it. These boys are too soft. It's not just that they look soft, it's probably all over their body language and the way they communicate with women. It's like Asian guys, they're high earners, but you see all the time they absolutely do not wear the pants in the relationship. And you remember that felon who got picked up by a billionaire chick? Yeah. Entirely because he was good looking with a pinch of danger. He didn't need money, success, nothing.

they mostly have clout from internet fame. have you not been paying attention to the wave of male ecelebs being cancelled?
for this guys, pumping and dumping clout chasing egirls is extremely risky because they can write a tweetlonger about being abused and their ""careers"" will be dead in a second. not to mention the whole "power dynamic" retardation that twitter roasties screech, the age gap etc. its very risky for male content creators to be fucking around in the current cultural climate

Dude these guys can barely talk to girls and you're telling them to get married? That's not how the ladder of competence works. And watching TRS or AmRen is objectively more of a waste of time than watching video's of advice for how to pick up girls.

You have to be comfortable talking and getting physical with girls before you can think about marrying one. Learning game isn't about just fucking girls, it's about confidence with girls, so you can pick and choose, rather than leaving all that power to the women.

"girls are scary"
zoomerfag actually has a point
girls themselves aren't scary
but the hivemind & legal apparatus they can turn against you with a single 4-letter word is plenty fucking scary

Jesus Hasan just absolutely shat on Andrew Tate here.