Are these people really terrorists? Should we close down all airports?

Three employees posed with the salute of the Islamic State on the tarmac at Düsseldorf Airport. In radical Muslim symbolism, the raised index finger means: There is no god but Allah. After pictures of the scene near a luggage conveyor appeared on the social network Tiktok, the trio lost their job.

According to information from the Bild newspaper, there are three German citizens named Mohamed AR, Hamit A. and Serhat I. All three were also born in Germany. The men are between 19 and 20 years old.

State protection carries out "dangerous speeches".
The federal police reacted immediately. A spokeswoman told the tabloid: "Based on the footage of the people, all three were identified as employees of a company commissioned by the airport operator and airline." of the airport is excluded".

In the meantime, the state security police have also carried out “danger speeches”. (fh)

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Why did you guys import so many shitskins that hold strong religious beliefs that are contrary to and incompatible with any values held in Europe?

page 10 abump

working at an airport is the shittiest fucking job there is.
good for them for getting fired

pic related among other things
such as relentless psyops forced on the population by "our greatest ally"

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>state security police
they are just like the FBI in every aspect


>the raised index finger means: There is no god but Allah.

They look retarded kek

this nation is not sovereign
it is occupied since almost 100 years now

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>german citizens
those tanned germans!

Polizeilicher Staatsschutz
(Begriffserläuterung im Rahmen der NSU-Berichterstattung)

Der Polizeiliche Staatsschutz ist für die Bekämpfung politisch motivierter Kriminalität zuständig. Zu diesem Deliktbereich werden Straftaten gezählt, die auf eine extremistische Tätereinstellung schließen lassen - sei sie nun links, rechts oder religiös orientiert. Zu rechtsextremistischen Straftaten gehören zum Beispiel das Zeigen des Hitlergrußes oder eine Körperverletzung aufgrund einer rassistischen Einstellung. Die Aufgabe, politisch motivierte Straftaten zu verhüten und zu verfolgen, wird von den Polizeibehörden auf Bundes-, Landes- und kommunaler Ebene übernommen.

Neben dem Polizeilichen Staatsschutz kümmern sich noch andere Behörden und Institutionen um den Schutz der Bundesrepublik. Dazu gehören etwa die Verfassungsschutzbehörden, der Militärische Abschirmdienst und der Bundesnachrichtendienst. Der allgemeine Begriff Staatsschutz umfasst alle Maßnahmen, die einen Staat in seiner inneren und äußeren Existenz bewahren sollen.

Im Unterschied zum Verfassungsschutz - der extremistische Entwicklungen beobachten, dagegen aber nicht selbst einschreiten darf - kann der Polizeiliche Staatsschutz als Strafverfolgungsbehörde bei Extremismusverdacht selbst Ermittlungen durchführen.

I do that all the time whats the issue?
Its recognition in a higher power
Jews are fucking awful

Do you know what keeps the airplanes in the air? God. Allahu ackbar!

to sum it up...
weak men create hard times


you really going to blame a policy created in 1961 on your problems and our problems with immigration today? fucking retard

die pinkeln in einen feuersturm
der fisch stinkt vom kopf her
die machen nur ihren job aka. the ""we were just following orders brah", homies"
a lot of them got probably completely brainwashed by the genuine state propaganda living this illusion of the functioning state conveniently ignoring blatant social fraud and the ethnic replacement of the ethnic native population whose ancestors were responsible for creating the possibilities of this day and age that our great state can offer to "its people" or basically everyone who followed merkels invitation and that got trafficked by the numerous human trafficking so called "Non Government Organizations" where private indfuences decide over and across the democratic process that our state is alledgedly dependent on, not even beginning to rant about the classic stammtischparolen like neverending increase of politicians diets their countless cases of nepotism, blatant incompetence, audacios levels of ineptitude, waste of tax payer funds, "election lies" and so on and so forth
it feels like the whole nation is drugged out of its mind or that like 80% of all people are fucking retarded npc's and are simply unable to think and reason in the first place
i 'don't even know anymore
nothing seems to improve, everything gets worse and worse

shut the fuck up zog golem go suck off your merchantile owner and die for your greatest ally

fuck off newfag

Christian love for mankind. Merkel was a Christian conservative...pffft hahahaha

The surface level. It goes way deeper than that.

Kikes are working with Muslims yet again to get them behind our lines to attack us.
Just like Spain.
Train for the fight
Watch gore videos till your completely desensitized.

That's exactly what they are doing with their terrorist videos. Jewish media doesn't censor their stuff.