Billionaires leaving

Why are our billionaires leaving us?

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they dont want to stick around on the side of people who take yachts and bank accounts obvs

they smell bbq roasted asses, theirs

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Lol, they think they can hide.

Maybe letting them offshore 3% of gdp per year wasn’t a good idea?

who do you think imports so many third worlders? they know that we know they are to blame.

They can run but they'll never hide from the messes they make. They'll spread their filth everywhere they go.

Notice how it's never to brown countries.

But say a word against brown people next to them to see their reply

unless they renounce their us citizenship, they'll continued to be taxed on their world-wide income.

No matter where they flee to, they will want open borders for their businesses so they can import hordes of 60IQ apes to work on the cheap whilst they suck up all the wealth from the surrounding area for themselves, then be completely bewildered as to why everything around them starts to go up in flames and their daughters start getting raped and grandchildren browned. An utterly clueless and moronic class of "people"

>billionaires run to small countries to escape unrest
Top kek, you'd think they realize that thanks to their beloved globalization small countries are every bit as likely to suffer from the same unrest and lynch them.
There's no escape for those cunts, their best hope is to stand their ground and fortify. But oh wait, the whole reason why they're scared is that they sold off their protections.

>billionaire wants to escape civil unrest
>pays $6M for a Portugese passport

Da fuq.

It’s called white flight. The US is mainly browns and yellows now

I am definitely not a billionaire, not even a millionaire, but your money is not save in the US, I have a bank account in the US which I only use to accept money from international clients, as soon as the money arrives, I move that shit to another country, if the US sanctioned my country, russia and simply "frooze" (stole) their assets, what guarantees that they won't do it with me? this is a thing is trust, this is why I don't trust putting my money in China, russia or any other country that can just "take it" away from you, the US went from being the safest banking country in the world to the sanctioner of the world, say the wrong thing to your politician of turn and he'll raise your taxes or try to punish you by imposing strict regulations on your money, just take a look at Biden's first few orders / laws, if you had money on stocks you had to pay some taxes unless you left them untouched for 4 years I think, trump did something similar, the US is often requiring you to "VERIFY" your identity to withdraw your own damn money from their banks, if you deposit more than 10k you will be put on a list and they'll start asking things about the money, you know what I mean? it's like the US is becoming more and more dictatorial by the day and people don't want to have their money stolen with "sanctions", fines or "regulations".

This is the same reason why Swiss banks lost all of their reputation as long as they decided to ignore banking secrecy, now they openly collaborate with the US authorities, nobody is using Swiss banks as they used to.

It's simple, I don't want any government to open my ass just because they believe I'm hiding "WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" between my buttcheeks so they feel like they are entitled to get into my privacy, but they'll not understand this, instead of reverting back to freedom, they'll push harder on coercing people into giving up their rights and freedom.

don’t be fooled anons. they won’t inhabit those countries, they want access to ports for their yachts and future submarine fleets. they will hide behind military stationed off shore and only use on shore services when necessary or in specific contained locations

Parasites leaving a dying host

Yeah I'm sure they are leaving because they have too much money, and literally no other reasons, at all. lol

KYS you fat libtard.

They don't have income. They pay themselves $20,000 a year, and put everything off as company expenses.

What banks would you say are the safest as of today?

>Why are our billionaires leaving us?
they already stole all our money. no point in standing around waiting for the guillotine

>and Portugal
Interesting. Would Portugal, being an EU and NATO state, not also be subject to whatever happens when SHTF in the United States?

Offshore tax dodge.

tasmania is where youll find all the most powerful people

Interesting post

>US went from being the safest banking country in the world
Extremely retarded take. US was only ever "safest banking country" if you didn't actually bother to read any of their laws. Even Russian foreign reserve seizure was completely legal under US law in the first place.

The Azores

Also pretty much every country in color on picrelated couldn't ever be a safe haven for banking.

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