Anyone else feel anxiety that they will never gain the same level of wealth as their own parents...

Anyone else feel anxiety that they will never gain the same level of wealth as their own parents? The only taste of upper(ish) middle class life I can get now is visiting their house every once in a while.

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Fucking hell bro...are you me?

I do a little bit. I've been stealing to cope and save money.

I got extremely lucky in that my brother and I both got into bitcoin early 2012. Despite this I still feel an intense disdain for the fact that my entire success story is pure luck and blind faith in a wildly optimistic concept for decentralized currency. I wish I couldve lived during the postwar america. Economic growth, tech growth, all of it seemed so beautiful.

im 34 and richer than my parents who are in their 60s.

I will inherit my grand parents assets, so I'm cool. They only have a couple of years to live max

kek me too. when I bought a house and left the basement I had to sell my X4, get an old truck thats paid for, and now Im slipping slowly into debt. It bothers me I'll never be able to provide for my future children like they did for me.

It's ok goy more migrants are on their way to low wages and increase real estate

It is not anxiety that I feel

Oh, thank heavens! I was worried that Canada would experience a shortage of shitskins!

It's what is. Gen X was the first generation in history to do worse than their parents economically, and Millennials are doing worse than Gen X and now Gen Z will do worse than Millennials. It's what is. Capitalism; love it or leave it.

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My parents never had much less than me. My old man died at 43 after being in and out of prison and my mother’s whole life goal was to figure out how to be on the dole, either from some dude or the gubmint. Compared to them I am more wealthy and successful than both of them combined and I am not exactly backing up the Brinks truck.

why aren't they leaving their assets to their children aka your parents?
thats usually how inheritance works

i have allready surpassed everyone in my familytree with the wealth. Only my grandpa was close, but his wealth was huge farm.

My wealth is more foldable.

it's better to be poor in America today than middle class.

Because my parents are already well off and they are the ones who actually suggested it. My future children will inherit my parents assets.

Sometimes, but they are open about me not having to worry because I will inherit it, along with my Uncle's house and estate. I don't know if it will give me generational wealth, but it will be on some level of fuck-you money. I could not be more grateful for having been born to the parents I have. They sacrificed a lot for me and I oftentimes feel I do not deserve a cent.

yup. it's over for 99.9% of us. i chose to opt out of the workforce for this reason. no point in slaving just to make enough money for rent and fuel to get back to the slave site. funnily enough, my parents were pretty understanding of the whole thing. i explained to them that they won't get any grandchildren and why. it's virtually impossible to afford even a 1 bedroom home of your own and be able to raise children well unless you work 2 jobs and never see them, then pay all your money to a day care company that probably has pedophiles working for it. all you're doing is creating more slaves for the masters to exploit when you're dead and gone. fuck that. only the rich can afford families now. having children is a luxury, on the same level as owning a Lambo. it was designed to be this way. nothing i can do. sorry!

I have no anxiety about it anymore. I KNOW Ill never have the same level of wealth as my parents.

I see, was just curious

More money more problems

So no, ayy lmao

No because I'm not retarded so I'll do fine

wouldn't it just be easier to get rid of the jews who are doing this to you? I don't mean the "jews" like the jewish race. I mean like "the jews" ie the central know, just stop using their jewish money

I became minimalist because of this and out of cope. It's working out pretty good desu.

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If you feel that you will never gain the same level of wealth as your parents, then your parents failed you, big time.
Your parents should teach you so that you learn from their mistakes, rather than repeating them yourself, Furthermore they should leave you a nest egg to jump start your life. Even just down payment assistance on a house can save you tens of thousands of dollars in the long run, helping to make you just as wealthy as them, if not more so. And this is but one example.

If your parents were degenerate consoomers, I feel bad for you, user. But now YOU must step up and be the starting planting seeds for your progeny.

Time to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, bucko.

Stealing from your parents?

Same. Material possessions beyond the minimum needs are overrated anyway. Nowadays I just try to find inner peace.

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No, I consciously rejected society. It was all too easy to see how to achieve upper middle class, its not difficult.
Its just the labor and stress vs reward ratio isnt more fulfilling.
Being a successful wagecuck that labors for a lifetime and works up to half a million a year is achievable for every white man. Just give up on anything in life except that number on the bank monitors.

They shouldn't.
In general, inheritance should be left to grandchildren. Likewise, your parents should leave one for *your* children.

More specifically, inheritance should only be left to those of your descendants that are currently, or soon will be, in the process of raising the next generation of children. The whole point of inheritance is to allow your progeny to develop in a safe, secure, resource-rich environment. Faggots, the childless, and degenerate consoomers should get nothing. it is a waste of your hard-earned resources.

Yes, and unfortunately that’s the reality for 99% of millennials.

> Anyone else feel anxiety that they will never gain the same level of wealth as their own parents?
Gen Xer here. I have been feeling this way since I was a grownup with my first full time job in 1998. Yeah, boomers suck.

God, same.

Nope I make way more and can buy way more junk.

I dunno. My 30-year-old coworkers are all invested in meme stocks and seem to be doing better than me. One of them might even be independently wealthy at this point.
In comparison, I have just put my money in the bank for decades like a fool.

You'll be fortunate to die with electricity and running water at this point... and you're still worried about not being able to have a boomerbox to put your boomerkampfwagen in.

Every boomer is a consoomer, you retard.