On February 25, 1945, two weeks after the Allied leaders met at Yalta...

>On February 25, 1945, two weeks after the Allied leaders met at Yalta, Goebbels published an editorial called “Das Jahr 2000” (“The Year 2000”) in the newspaper Das Reich. Predicting what the Yalta agreements would eventually produce, Goebbels said the U.S.S.R. would occupy all of eastern and southeastern Europe and much of Germany. “An iron curtain would fall over this enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations would be slaughtered,” he wrote.

Attached: 2022-07-22_125618.jpg (737x659, 129.27K)

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Now they're the most homogenous places in Europe, so much for the slaughter. If you think about it, Germany didn't change with his blind trust for the Anglo.

You can't pretend that wasn't their intention. In Romania, it was kikes, russians, hungarians and various other minority scum that sought to dominate the majority. It was just that the Romanians in the communist party were more vicious and aggressive. It took 5 years to purge the minorities from the leadership and establish an all Romanian communist party.

haha gobbles

like gobbles my bollocks hahahahaha

East Germany should have never joined the west. What a huge mistake that was and now the place is being flooded with shitskins.

>minority scum
yeah sure you thieving gypsy your whole western part of your country doesn't belong to you fuck your borders it was hungarians and germans at the time

you tried to take that land but you failed
asskissing greater powers only gets you so far

Why do britbongs talk like such fags?

He was just mad because he wanted to do it and Stalin would be encroaching on his dream.

you were all just peasants there nobody gives a shit about ethnic groups all the wealth was owned by hungarians and germans the treaty of Versailles was not about ethnicity it was stripping hungary from resources

*Treaty of Trianon

nazis had a thing for the year 2000. Hitler wrote french would be majority nigger by the end of 20th century.

Like his boss, goebells wasn't the brightest bulb

>Now they're the most homogenous places in Europe

Attached: russkie.jpg (460x307, 32.71K)

Nazis did not originate "THE FINAL SOLUTION" -- Tecumseh Sherman did, in 1867.

Attached: hollowhoax--FINAL_SOLUTION_GENESIS.jpg (1955x999, 504.3K)

>Das Jahr 2000
post some source you fagget


All Nazis deserve is a bullet to the brain.
All communists deserve to be hung from the neck.

Fuck far right and far left

you are scuffed germans without the intelligence or the work ethic

around 45% of the population of france is predisposed to sickle cell anemia
do the math

everybody knows even today that hungarians are more trustworthy
Romanians are basically thieving gypsies thats why you stole every infrastructure and industrial equipment and its only because communist scumbags that our country is shit today

Literally nobody respects you. They took all your land from you and gave it to your neighbors.

t. labor / lib nigger faggot