Why are women so unhappy since the start of the feminist era?

Why are women so unhappy since the start of the feminist era?

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Cause Niggas aint shit

They got rights and immediately used them to destroy chivalry then cry about it. Bitches.


Who cares if roasties are unhappy? Not my problem

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Because women are ultra conformist retards that live for shitty attention.

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they have genetic code hardwired to homestead and nurture.. take that away and they are lost

I think women naturally love to be dominated by males. Women get wetter when you are showing them who is the boss much faster than if you are fucking them. Feminism tells them to be strong and they are unhappy. Very sad, very sad.

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Women have been conned into thinking that competing with men in the world of wage-slaving is empowering, and that being a mother and housewife is demeaning and unfulfilling. It puts them in an unnatural and stressful situation where they lose their feminity and adopt competitive masculine behaviour, which is contrary to their evolved nature. It would be a similar situation where a man stayed at home alone to look after babies or young infants.
By pursuing a career, women put having children on hold until it's too late. Want some day.
It's the same in relationships with men. The natural role of a woman is to support her husband's decisions and run the domestic affairs of the home. This is portrayed by feminists as demeaning and unequal, when actually it isn't.

women will literally never be happy as long as another prettier or smarter woman is next to them. they are crabs in bucket driven and need to stop relying on short term solutions like their youth and pussy and learn the value of hard work, morality and family. same goes to fags that allow and encourage women to behave this way.

You'd be unhappy too with those tits

They were always unhappy. Think about how insufferable Adam had to be if Eve would rather make a deal with the devil than live in paradise with him.

Never thought of this. You may be right desu

>need to stop relying on short term solutions like their youth and pussy and learn the value of hard work
I think you are conflating two issues here. The value of women to men, and to society in general, is their youth and their pussy. The natural order is for a woman to use her youth and pussy to catch the best man she can, have children, and raise them. If you forget about instathots, plenty of women do work hard. The problem is that a lot of them have been conned into working hard at things that don't matter and won't make them happy. It's a straightforward matter of fact that very few men care about what a women does or earns - a cute burger-flipper is more attractive than a plain lawyer.

Women werent designed to be providers or protectors.

LARPing as a quasi-male sucks.
Who'da thunk?!

Attached: woman reality check.webm (360x640, 2.53M)

When have women ever been happy?
>what is a woman
Noun - a person that nags, and complains about everything.

Bot thread

He really has that coal burner face

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Women can not be appeased. Women can have everything imaginable along with a marriage, a successful career, and children then still complain and be still unhappy. Women are genetically programmed to be unhappy and unable to be pleased and/or appeased

I'll be damned, a based catalan, I though all of you were cucks and commies

What was her dream that was crushed? Social media influencer? Actress?

>how insufferable Adam had to be
Femdom coomer boomer spotted

Evil litteraly appeared in the temptation of Eve.