CERN probably doesn't even exist

CERN and other magic-tier super-duper tech probably aren't real. Communication with non-human intelligence has been critical to the ruling class since ancient times, whether expressed through the lens of monotheistic religion (the right of kings, involvement of the pope in European royal affairs, etc.), divine bloodlines (various royal families throughout the east and west claiming to have descended from dragons, not in any symbolic sense, but actually, genetically, descended from non-human beings, and employing court alchemists/magicians/scryers/astrologers, etc., to communicate with some higher order), the ritualism and beliefs of the ruling powers of the ancient world (e.g. Egyptian religion and mysticism, the Eleusinian Mysteries of ancient Greece, etc.), shamanistic/aniministic traditions (the tribal chief and his high-priest/witch doctor), or the modern version of elites communicating with who knows what (aliens, demons, interdimensionals?) through occult ritual, drugs, technology, etc. The history of science and technology is also littered with major figures (Newton, Tesla, John Dee, Jack Parsons...) who were working in occultism alongside and intertwined with their mainstream scientific work and who often even claimed that their major discoveries were revealed to them by non-human entities or in altered states of mind.

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It could be that things like CERN, quantum computing, magic-tier tech in general are just made up as a modern-era-plausible, intentionally "real-world", empirically-based explanation for weird shit happening that would otherwise cause people to wake up to the fact that something much weirder and much less in the control of the human elites is going on, and that the structure of reality is completely outside the way in which we view it through the lens of modern science. What I'm suggesting is, e.g. - the Mandela effect is happening because of some spiritual/alien/occult bullshit the elites have been fucking around with (for millenia probably), or some entities or forces they involved our world with and who are operating beyond their control, so they make up CERN (wwoooo woweeee! science is amazingg!!!) and write all kinds of sensational articles and have weird "leaks" leading people intentionally to the idea that "omg CERN is messing with reality" to hide the face that it's all actually some kind of occult/alien/spiritual/incomprehensible-but-definitely-not-human phenomenon that's much less under human control.

back to /x/ please

you should write a longer delay into your post bot. that was like 1 second after the thread went up.

>CERN probably doesn't even exist
it does, I visited CERN in highschool, it's in France

shouldve stopped writing after the title, no nigger here has capability to read 2 nor 20 lines of text, you have to get that if you are serious about your posting, beside that, science is a religion that sustains itself by a constant development and discovery, these do not have to be true, nor real at all, in this case, it is very easy to put up metal construction that serves no or god knows which purpose and suck out tax money dry while achieving advancements in your religion at the same time

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Why is it so hard for people to see a subsidy scam for what it is?

Did you though? Did you tour the entire 1000 mile ring or however big it's actually supposed to be? Or did you just see a limited scientific disneyland attraction designed for public view? If a backwater poorville like North Korea can build entire ghost city complexes to show off to tourists and pretend they're a prosperous country, surely the single most expensive international project in the history of humanity can make a little "woooo big science pipe" exhibit that you can visit for the day.

night shift used to be higher attention span. Don't really care. A few will read it. Just want to hear from those who do.

>Did you though?

truman show tricks

read more words genius

1 minute = 1 second kek

>surely the single most expensive international project in the history of humanity
you're confusing ITER with the GCH, the CGH is completely french

It was one minute and two seconds. The comment is four words long.

got me there captain reddit

It's more subtle and more insidious than that. It makes people believe that big science projects can only be accomplished through government. Then they start thinking if the government doesn't do it it'll never happen, basically providing them with free and unlimited funding without having to dive and the policy issues or justification.

Attached: 1658170486243567.jpg (1008x1024, 122.74K)

... you don't even know what ITER is do you

lol i made that OC. and this one.

Attached: whoaa space.png (621x469, 455.14K)

>you don't even know what meliohalispenosisitis is do you!! lol don't try to talk to me about SCIENCE dummy!!
It's pathetic user. Reply to what I actually suggested to you in my initial reply or move on dumb dumb.

>bot accusing humans of being bots
Now I've seen it all.

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How many posts will there be before anyone discusses the topic? This site really has rotted. Shame.

Thanks, I use it all the time now lol

You should make one from this bullshit!

Attached: blackhole.png (800x466, 136.82K)

I was wrong actually. I made the same thing a long time ago but with a random space picture. Didn't realize it was the new space pic in yours. I actually considered using that black hole picture originally.

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I mean yeah but what if? stretch your brain a little man.