Science atheists refute this please

If the universe follows predetermined laws, does it not need something, or someone, to predetermined those laws before its creation?

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in addition to this, causality implies there is no human agency, since human agency is itself, caused. this is why most people don't even bother with tough questions. when you ask the right questions, you realize we dont know jack shit.

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It doesn't.

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It does

Even if it did you cant have it.

I already have had it, and lost it, then had it again. You can't stop me.

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I am afraid..

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What camera did they take this picture with?


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Cool so no one knows

There might be something that pre-determined those laws. We can't know if it fits our anthropomorphic definition of sentience (that is very particular and anthropomorphic), or not.
However there is no way that entity was anthropomorphic fictional character Yahweh from jewish Torah, known for expressing severe malignant narcissism and penchant for baby foreskins, nor it could have been any other anthropomorphic fictional character made up by humanity. Such idea is simply ridiculous if you think about it.

What's more likely: that a being created a universe with predetermined laws or that a universe with predetermined laws simply came into existence from nothing?

Relativity is a problem no one can adequately explain on a universal scale.

>If the universe follows predetermined laws, does it not need something??
Atheist: We don't know, Scientist have some hypothesis
Christcuks: We know for 100%, becouse some primitive sandnigger wrote about this long time ago, so it must be true.

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What is a law?

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Physics, dipshit.

You’re personifying the universe. We assume natural laws would have a “law-maker” because as humans it’s difficult to hold the concept that something “just is”
In our mortal experience everything is has (or appears to have) a cause. However,
>It’s turtles all the way down!
Everything can not have a cause unless you believe in infinite regress. Which is shit brained because then everything that can possibly happen would and would have already and will again forever all at the same time… Which it’s obviously not.
>If God made everything then who made God?
Literally the same doodoo argument.
Some things (God, maybe?) just are.

So, here is my response, you think that a law derived here would make sense somehwere else in there, and it doesnt even exist in that place now anyway, what is a law on that scale and why do you think it has anything to do with Earth?


Its an algorithm unraveling itself. A simulation, a movie that gods own conciousness is watching thru our eyes. Thats the closest god can come to having a sense of being alive. What else would you do if you had whole eternity.